Over the last 2 days a number of sites have attempted to impress everyone with their Win10 knowledge by showing you the Remove-AppxPackage PackageFullName command as if they’ve somehow just discovered it. [Read more…] about Oh Good Grief
Windows 8
Win10 Wallpapers, Graphics, etc.
I’m collecting Win10 related wallpapers, pictures, and such.
Here is what I have, click the links to download from my Dropbox.
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Win10 Customize Installation Options
Just a quickie article to show you how to configure your Win10 install.
These screenshots show options for max security and privacy as well has how to skip using a Microsoft account.
These are my personal preferences.
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No, That Is Not A Clean Install
Lots of writers saying that a Win10 Reset is or “essentially is” a clean install.
No it is not. [Read more…] about No, That Is Not A Clean Install
Forums, Comments, etc.
Several folks have asked about the comments being disabled or why I don’t have forums.
The simple reason is they take up a lot of time (and in truth is more than I can handle). Folks on the internet seem to lose all sense of decorum and decency behind the veil of the anonymity of the internet. Fanbois, trolls, spammers, and personal attacks tend to be the rule, not the exception. I’ve just lost my taste for that garbage. It’s one of the many reasons I left social media. In an attempt to keep trolls and spammers away I tried to use the Disqus comment system but it wasn’t what I was looking for. I really wanted something where people had to truly be responsible for what they say. Possibly something where the user had to provide, at some level, their real identity. I realize that may seem naive and unrealistic but there it is.
I’ve got some great folks that come by here regularly and I would love to provide y’all something. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Official Win10 Links
Here are all the official Win10 links I can find.
If you’ve got one I don’t, please let me know.
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Windows 10 Default Services
Windows 10 Default Services (build 10240, 26JULY2015) by TweakHound.com.
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Windows 10 Upgrade Advice. Warning, opinions ahead…
As most of you know, Win10 gets released this week.
I’ve been asked various questions by many people.
This advice/opinion article will hopefully address some of those questions.
More in-depth articles on these topics will come over time.
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Back From Vacation
Sorry for the lack of posts. I was on vacation.
Back with more Win10 stuff this week.
Pics and vacay details if you care..
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Not much happening out there lately. Seems lots of things in the computing world on are in standby mode waiting on Win10.
[Read more…] about Boooorrrring…