Sometimes I love, other times I just roll my eyes. Yesterday the story How To Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide caught my eye because I like to workout. It wasn’t the link to the article itself (see Googles cache) that made me laugh but some of the comments…
[Read more…] about Laugh of the day…
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The Tao of Steve
…So I blame Steve Jobs, who has seduced me into buying his sleek machines, even if their delicate organs seem to fail with alarming regularity, like the beautiful consumptive heroines in Victorian novels…
Microsoft responds to Vista network performance issue
Little League World Series
I just watched the finals and caught several games this week.
What a pleasure to watch baseball (or any sport) being played the way it should be played. Those kids are all fantastic ball players and play with a passion that is lost in professional sports. Congratulations to the team from Columbus, Georgia for winning the series. Congratulations to the team from Kawaguchi, Japan as runner-up.