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Salt Is Good For You, Salt Is Bad For You, Salt Is…
Salt is good for you, salt is bad for you, salt is good for you…
Why I take all medical studies the a grain of salt (pun intended):
CDC Admits Long-Standing Error in Medical Science – There Is No Benefit In Reducing Salt Intake And It May Even Be Dangerous
Think I’ll put a little extra salt and butter on my popcorn when I go to see Pacific Rim.
Christmas gift for someone you hate: Windows 8
Interesting blog post by Philip Greenspun entitled: Christmas gift for someone you hate: Windows 8
Posted as much for the post title and the quote “dog’s breakfast of a user interface” as the info.
How can 30-year-old receivers sound better than new ones?
Not directly computer related but…
I was over at Cnet (more on that in a minute) and saw this article: How can 30-year-old receivers sound better than new ones?
I agree with much of the article. Give me good sound and forget all the stupid buttons and inputs I’ll never use.
The reason I was over at Cnet is because a reader sent me an email saying in part, “that post looks a lot like your Ditch Those CD’s! A Guide To Using USB Flash Drives“.
Here is “that post”: Six cool things to do with your USB flash drive . So much for originality. 🙄
It's Official: Apple Jumps the Shark
After Microsoft released its wonderful “I’m a PC” advertisements, I wondered what was next for Apple. After all, it’s ingenuous and libelous “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ads were instantly rendered moot by Microsoft’s more human and humble ads. How could Apple respond and not look like a bunch of arrogant jerks.
Answer: They can’t. And they won’t. It’s in their DNA.
So they’ve responded with a new “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ad that is both ingenuous and libelous, and once again they come off looking like a bunch of arrogant jerks.
Battlestar Galactica, New Season Starts Friday
For everyone who is a Battlestar Galactica fan like me, the new season starts up Friday at 10 (9 Central)!
Gone in 2 minutes: Mac gets hacked first in contest
Noooo, that isn’t possible. Macs are ‘secure’.
A former US National Security Agency employee has trousered $10,000 for breaking into a MacBook Air at CanSecWest security conference’s PWN 2 OWN hacking contest. The MacBook was lined up against Linux and Vista PCs – which have so far remained uncracked.
Mac vs Windows vs Linux
I found this video at the Linux and Open Source Blog:
Video: Mac vs Windows vs Linux
Are Mac users snobs? “The Street” thinks so
Mac users strong enough to watch The Street’s video clip without getting so offended they’ll smash their screen will discover the 2 minute and 18 second video says the following: Mac users “self centred, arrogant, conceited”. Out of the Mindset Media study of 7500 Mac and PC users, “Mac users do really think they are superior”. They think they are “self important, extraordinary and more intellectually curious”.
Hit up Neowin for more.
Freakin’ hillarious!!!