This guide will show you how I dual-boot and multi-boot openSUSE 12.3 with Windows 7 and/or Windows 8.
The method I use keeps Windows in charge of the boot process. To achieve this I use a program called EasyBCD.
Computer stuff...
TweakHound’s Karamba Theme
Karamba (or Superkaramba) themes have been around for a while.
They are for Linux /KDE desktop users.
This is my theme, folks have been asking for this so here it is.
Sorry I haven’t been able to get to it until now.
[Read more…] about TweakHound’s Karamba Theme
This page is dedicated to making your openSUSE experience a little better.
I will continue to update this page as:
– Folks send in or post tips. Please send them in!
– I find tips somewhere else.
– I write tips myself.
Please keep in mind that I do not use and have no interest in any other desktop than KDE.
[Read more…] about openSUSE 12.1 Tips And Tricks
This article will help you tame or disable Akonadi and Nepomuk.
The target audience for this are openSUSE 12.1 / KDE4 users.
I am going to divide this into two sections, taming and disabling.
[Read more…] about openSUSE 12.1 – Taming Akonadi & Nepomuk
How To Network openSUSE 12.1 And Windows
[Read more…] about How To Network openSUSE 12.1 And Windows
My favorite Linux distribution (or OS for that matter) has released version 12.1. Continue reading for all the links and info.
[Read more…] about openSUSE 12.1 Released
The Fedora Project has released Fedora 16. Check out the release announcement in the Fedora Forums for more info. All download links here.
BleacbBit 0.9.0 has been released. Download & Info
[Read more…] about BleachBit 0.9.0