Available for XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Nvidia GeForce 190.38 Drivers Download & Info
Computer News
Time To Run Windows Update
Updates available for, well, darn near everything.
Tweak Guides Updated
I’ve spent the last few weeks updating the following guides in preparation for Windows 7 guides. There has been a lot of cleanup, clarifications, and several additions. As the name intimates the XP guide will not be revised again. The Vista guide may follow the same fate. I’ve never been shy about the fact that I did not like Vista. Those who are using Windows 7 know that it will probably leave Vista as just a bad memory. Once 7 comes out I will not have any Vista computers left (only 1 left now). At any rate, I hope you enjoy these guides and that they may be of some help to you.
TweakHound’s Super XP Tweaking Guide – SP3 Final
The Right Way To Install Windows XP
Tweaking Windows Vista
Installing Windows Vista
Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View List Update
This update helps make websites designed for older browsers look better in Internet Explorer 8. To take advantage of this update, you must have “Include updated website lists from Microsoft” selected in Internet Explorer’s Compatibility View Settings.
Available for XP, 2K3, Vista, & 2K8 (running IE8 obviously). To install just run Windows Update.
Microsoft Office 2007, SP2
You can get this via Windows Update, or, Download Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2.
Time To Run Windows Update
Updates available for 2K, XP, 2K3, Vista, 2K8, Office…
Details at Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for April 2009
Mark Russinovich – Pushing the Limits of Windows: Paged and Nonpaged Pool
Another great article from Mr. Russinovich for Geeks and Geek-wannabe’s. (actually the 3rd in a ‘series’)
Mark Russinovich – Pushing the Limits of Windows: Paged and Nonpaged Pool
Internet Explorer 8 Final Is Out
Hit the IE Home Page for info and download.
Neowin has direct links to the appropriate files of each OS and version (32/64).
ATI Catalyst 9.3 Drivers
Available for XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
Time To Run Windows Update
Updates available for 2K, XP, 2K3, Vista, 2K8… March MS Security Bulletin