The Safari 3 Beta for Windows version 3.0.4 Update is recommended for all users running Safari 3 Beta for Windows. It includes new features as well as improvements to stability, compatibility, performance, and security…
Computer News
Cool Tool Of The Week – PC Decrapifier
Some advice to a reader made me think of this again…
The PC Decrapifier will uninstall many of the common trialware and annoyances found on many of the PCs from big name OEMs.
This is a great tool, especially if you get a new PC and don’t want to reformat.
What it Removes
Download and more info.
Latest update for openSUSE breaks package manager
You may have seen this:
Many people have had YaST and the package manager broken after installing a dodgy update. The offending update has since been removed from the update repos. There is a fix in the link above.
What Intel Giveth, Microsoft Taketh Away
In practical terms, it means that performance advancements on the hardware side are quickly consumed by the ever-increasing complexity of the Windows/Office code base. Case in point: Microsoft Office 2007 which, when deployed on Windows Vista, consumes over 12x as much memory and nearly 3x as much processing power as the version that graced PCs just 7 short years ago (Office 2000)…
ATi Radeon HD 3800 Series Review Round-Up
For you folks into ATI Video Cards, [H]ardOCP has a review and links to all the other reviews of ATI’s newest release.
Funny Stuff At Digg Today
Thunderbird, Official
It’s finally up on the home page. It was delayed by a minor error, the Windows installer was labeled ‘Firefox’ instead of ‘Thunderbird’, oops! (see screenshot here)
You should be able to update from within Tbird now or download from the home page.
Time To Run Windows Update
Updates available for XP, 2k, 2k3, Vista, and assorted apps.
Thunderbird Hits Mirrors
Not on the home page yet, but it is on the mirrors.
Download English-US
Other downloads.
Apple: Arrogance, Untruths, and Karma
More Vista-bashing commercials appeared yesterday, compliments of quite possibly the most arrogant company in history. I love a good spoof (I had a good laugh over the first “cancel/allow” ad), but when you keep spewing the same false bullshit over and over it becomes obnoxious. It also shows me a company full of people and users that have a serious inferiority complex.
Let us just review the reviews of their latest release shall we???
[Read more…] about Apple: Arrogance, Untruths, and Karma