O.K., this old ‘puter is beginning to get on my nerves. So the search has begun for a new system. I’ve built my own systems for many, many, many years but the prices for hardware today is so high I may even consider a Dell or HP.
So I would like to see what some of you might suggest. If you built or bought a computer right now what would it be?
Here are my ‘specs / no specs’:
Intel Chipset and CPU, single video card (not onboard), I don’t overclock anymore.
Please list at least the basic specs (feel free to add to this)
Video Card:
Computer News
Are Mac users snobs? “The Street” thinks so
Mac users strong enough to watch The Street’s video clip without getting so offended they’ll smash their screen will discover the 2 minute and 18 second video says the following: Mac users “self centred, arrogant, conceited”. Out of the Mindset Media study of 7500 Mac and PC users, “Mac users do really think they are superior”. They think they are “self important, extraordinary and more intellectually curious”.
Hit up Neowin for more.
Freakin’ hillarious!!!
Vista SP1 vs. XP SP2 – Benchmarked
ZDnet takes a crack at XP v. Vista. Part 1 & Part 2
So, onto conclusions. Looking at the data there’s only one conclusion that can be drawn – Windows XP SP2 is faster than Windows Vista SP1. End of story. Out of the fifteen tests carried out, XP SP2 beat Vista SP1 in eleven, Vista SP1 beat XP SP2 in two of the tests, and two of the tests resulted in a draw.
But, you didn’t really need yet more proof that XP is faster than Vista, did you???
Also there are alleged performance gains for XP SP3 coming.
ATI Catalyst 8.2 Drivers Are Out
For Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Linux.
Driver Download
Release Notes
Time To Run Windows Update
Lots of updates available for XP, 2K3, Vista, Office, IE6, IE7, etc…
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for February 2008
***For those who have installed SP1:
As far as I can tell the 9 updates that actually apply to Vista itself are already included in SP1 (by comparing the dates on the files, and 1 update is actually listed inside SP1).
(No, I am not 100% positive and the SP1 release notes haven’t been updated)
These are:
Ed Bott's – A Vista SP1 FAQ
Should answer a few questions a few of you may have.
Benchmarking the Benchmarks
It is time to put your money where your mouth is, or maybe where your keyboard is. HardOCP sets out to prove that real world video card testing is where it’s at. Beware, we may make you feel dirty every time your run a benchmark from here out! … HardOCP has been thoroughly mired in “real world” testing scenarios for years now, and there is no doubt that we have taken a lot of heat from various sources. Most of it is generated through ignorance and the human quality of being resistant to change. Some of it is generated by websites and forums that will proclaim that there is no need for tools beyond a timedemo or cutscene in order to understand graphics cards’ performance.
I jumped right on [H]ardOCP’s bandwagon when they began discussing the validity of canned benchmarks years ago. Their article is definitely worth the read.
[H]ardOCP – Benchmarking the Benchmarks
Cool Tool: Vista4Experts
I just ran across this little program.
[Read more…] about Cool Tool: Vista4Experts
What Media Players(s) do you use?
New poll up (in the right margin). Leave comments here.
Final Vista Poll Results
Total Votes: 613
1- I’m using it and like it. (35%, 217 Votes)
2- I went back to XP. (24%, 145 Votes)
3- I haven’t tried it. (23%, 139 Votes)
4- I’m using it and don’t like it. (10%, 63 Votes)
5- I’m waiting for SP1. (8%, 49 Votes)
That breaks down as:
217 Positive (answer #1)
208 Negative (answers # 2 & 4)
188 Neutral (depending on how you look at it, answers # 3 & 5)
View it in the Polls Archive.