Sometimes I love, other times I just roll my eyes. Yesterday the story How To Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide caught my eye because I like to workout. It wasn’t the link to the article itself (see Googles cache) that made me laugh but some of the comments…
“And the top comments (as rated by me) are:
Coming in at #5:
“fun, but buried for telling me to limit alcohol consumption to “once or twice a week.“”
“I’m not following any strength training regime that doesn’t let me drink beer.”
(those guys might wanna check one of my all-time favorite quotes from Arnold)
“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer. ”
“ ‘How to Build Muscle while playing WoW’ would be more appealing.”
“What I want to know is why all the personal trainers at my gym (a World Gym) have people doing goofy shit that involves lots of hopping around and heavy use of the big inflated exercise balls. Good luck getting stronger that way.”
“Have lots of sex. Its great exercise.”
Amen to that! (and it’s true BTW)
And the #1 comment is:
“Muscles…this should be put on the list of “things most diggers don’t have”, I believe that list looks something like this: