A reader wrote in with the following:
Howdy, I’m getting some new home systems, and taking the opportunity to
rethink my backup strategies.
I’ve long used something like SyncToy (Second Copy) to maintain backups of
my files, but I’ve never had a good plan for the OS and apps. Wondering if
you might have a sec to trade notes?
Essentially, I’m thinking I’ll use Acronis to save the OS image, and SyncToy
(or Second Copy) to save the files (unless Acronis does that too).
But one bit troubles me — how do you backup/restore your applications?
As I see it, the ideal is to keep an OS-only image, with all Windows Update
patches, and only add apps on top of that.
For example…
1) restore fully patched OS and OS settings
2) restore applications, application updates, and application settings
3) restore data
Or do you basically treat applications as if they’re part of the OS?
I do it like this:
1 – I make an initial FULL backup image of the initial OS install with all updates.
2 – I install all my applications and make another FULL backup image.
*note – applications should be installed on the SAME partition as the OS. The practice of separating the 2 is outdated and unnecessary. The OS and installed applications should be on a partition by themselves. All other files (I call it “data”) should be somewhere else. So, yes, I treat the OS and apps as one and the same. BUT, you’ll notice I have a clean OS only image for say, when Service Pack 3 comes out.
3 – I tweak my system and make another FULL backup image.
4 – I always use FULL backups. If you wish to use incremental backups I would suggest you make another FULL backup here and use this one to do the incremental backups to.
For non-OS related items:
1 – I use the following programs for backup of data. “Data” does not mean installed stuff. It means downloaded applications, pics, music, documents, bookmarks, etc.: SyncToy, Second Copy, Karen’s Replicator. And NO, I do not use True Image to do anything but make OS images (see here).
2 – More detailed info can be found here:
Windows XP Backup Strategies For Home Users
The majority of that article is valid for Vista as well.
As a personal aside. I do not like, nor have I ever liked any Windows versions built-in backup. It’s a personal preference. I think there are many other apps that do a far better job at backups. Acronis True Image, Norton Ghost, SyncToy, Second Copy, and Karen’s Replicator is but a very short list. For the OS I am a firm believer in images. Based on years of past experience they are the only way to reliably backup an OS.