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Autoruns v14.09, ProcMon v3.89, Sysmon v13.33 and ZoomIt v5.10
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AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 22.2.2 Optional Drivers
AMD Smart Access Memory optimizations for Ryzen CPUs with integrated graphics paired with discrete Radeon graphics, New hardware support, Warhammer III support.
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Google’s Roboto Serif is a beautiful new font that you can download and use for free right now
Windows 11 Pro will soon require a Microsoft Account
You’ll need a Microsoft account to set up future versions of Windows 11 Pro
Windows 11 Pro Will Soon Require a Microsoft Account, and People Are Pissed
Here is the source blog post: Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22557
“Similar to Windows 11 Home edition, Windows 11 Pro edition now requires internet connectivity during the initial device setup (OOBE) only. If you choose to setup device for personal use, MSA will be required for setup as well. You can expect Microsoft Account to be required in subsequent WIP flights.”
There are claims that the bypass that we’ve all been using still works. You just unplug from the internet before you get to the new user screen. There are counter claims this doesn’t work. There are claims you can bypass it via semi-convoluted command line actions also. I reckon time will tell.
How You Can Limit Ad Tracking on Android and Chrome—Years Before Google Does
“In your Chrome browser, go to Settings > Security and Privacy > Block third-party cookies.”
“On an Android 12 phone, go to Settings > Privacy > Ads> Delete advertising ID. Now your advertising ID will be zeroed out and that’s what will be shared with apps. Google plans to roll this out to phones running Android 5 or newer in April.”
What you get when you cross Stranger Things with metal guitar wizardry.
That Win11 announcement has made me decide that I will migrate to Linux by Win10 EOL in 2025…
It was 1-5-2022 . I was reinstalling Win10 and went to Microsoft store for Drivers . There was a # and i didn’t google it and i downloaded it. Fine so. Next day went to open laptop and there Win installer , okay one more version wright. After getting in to it ,the word appeared WINDOWS 11. Well go little more .And it email time. See the first thing i did was cut the net off , Do not pass $200.00 , the only way was for me was to kill the power ,break out the USB Win 7 / Win 8.1. I will try to wait it out till Win 11 Pass’s way. I have pick up letter writing .LOL