Views for the Windows 7 Tweak Guide have spiked. Don’t know what that’s about.
Google Pixel 6, Yay or Nay?
My 5 1/2 year old Samsung Galaxy S7 is becoming harder to use. In the last few weeks at least 3 apps have become unstable/unusable. I’m not spending 1K x 2 on phones. You guys have any thoughts?
Wise Disk Cleaner 10.7.2
A few small fixes.
Download (I use portable) | Release Info
AMD Ryzen Chipset Driver
Apparently fixes the Win11 performance issue.
Download | Release Notes
The Hooters
The once great Hooters restaurant chain has been in the news. Allegedly some of the young ladies there were whining about the already short shorts being shorter. I’m gonna keep my yap shut on this one.
Anyway, that got me thinking of one of the great 80’s bands, The Hooters. Hopefully those guys will not be wearing short shorts on their 2022 tour. Here is my favorite song from them:
I just upgraded from a Galaxy S8+ to a Galaxy S21 and it really is a wonderful device. Very easy transfer with Samsung utility, mainly just had to re-do authenticators. I bought it from Wal Mart’s website at a severe discount from Verizon, and much faster delivery, like ten days instead of two months!
Eric, I still use a $50 flip phone for voice-only (pay as you go, no plan). My portable device is a cheap Lenovo Chromebook and I chuck it every 2 years.
For heavy lifting I keep an Intel I-5 11400 at home (Linux Mint), and a Rasperry Pi4 for security testing. The byword here is “no Microsoft” devices. (And of
course, don’t allow all your good time to get sucked up by software maintenance when you could be drinking beer and watching a ball game with your buddies at the bar).
Wise words Curtiss.
I would get Samsung Galaxy M52.
I never even heard of the band called the Hooters, kinda disappointed it’s not an parliament of owls playing lol. Will check the band out thought. I think you should get the pixel 6. It’s basic out of all of the non-apple devices,has little to no bloat, and because of it’s popularity has a lot of documentation for what ever you would want to tinker on it. Also cheaper giving the situation we are in for the chip shortage. I hope this helps you out.
A good id range is a Samsung A52s 5G, cant go wrong with the cost compared to the features it offers.
Read this review:
long time listener…I have never been a fan of spending big money on new phones. And I feel weird just at the thought of carrying around a $1000 object everyday. I have gotten by with some low-midrange phones like moto G and Xioami, but they are not powerhouses, and they show it sooner than later. This time I tried something a little different. Bought a Samsung S10e for under $200 refurbished. Super happy with it. not saying it is for you, but I think higher end prior-year models are an often overlooked sweet spot.