Google Chrome 95
“Chrome 95.0.4638.54 contains a number of fixes and improvements…This update includes 19 security fixes.”
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To update go to Menu (the the dots in upper-right corner > Help > About Google Chrome
type this in the URL bar: chrome://settings/help
VirtualBox 6.1.28
Several fixes, support for Linux Kernel 5.14/5.15 and Win11 guest support.
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Does The VirtualBox update contain the tpm support?
They don’t say specifically. Something mentioned here
I’ve been working this on the Virtualbox forums because Win11 still won’t install in a VM for me. Apparently this version does not implement TPM support. What it does instead is allow the application of registry values that allow Windows 11 to install on unsupported hardware. It seems that must be done via an unattend installation file, not a standard install/upgrade. They say virtual TPM will become available in the upcoming 7.0 release. Date TBD. I’ve tried various registry values from articles online but have yet to find one that actually works.
Haven’t tried VirtualBox but I’ve got Win11 running in VMware Player
I am interested in the process for installing WIN11 in VMware Workstation Player. Got a reference link for what you did or a tutorial?
Inquiring minds want to know the easy-peasy method!
Never mind… PC Health Check shows I have TPM, but, my i5 core processor is a 6th generation and not Gen10 or higher. Wasn’t sure if this would prevent me from setting a guest machine in VMWare. Oh well…. Linux Mint is good for me.
I created a VM, b4 starting it I added the following line to the vmx file via notepad:
managedvm.autoAddVTPM = “software”
Kinda like this:
You aren’t missing anything. If I wanted to use a tablet OS I would just use my Fire HD.