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‘Babylon 5’ Reboot in Development at The CW From Original Series Creator J. Michael Straczynski
“The new iteration of the sci-fi series is described as a “from-the-ground-up reboot.” In the series, John Sheridan, an Earthforce officer with a mysterious background, is assigned to Babylon 5, a five-mile-long space station in neutral space, a port of call for travelers, smugglers, corporate explorers and alien diplomats at a time of uneasy peace and the constant threat of war. His arrival triggers a destiny beyond anything he could have imagined, as an exploratory Earth company accidentally triggers a conflict with a civilization a million years ahead of us, putting Sheridan and the rest of the B5 crew in the line of fire as the last, best hope for the survival of the human race.”
One of my favorite sci-fi series. If you haven’t seen it you owe it to yourself to watch.
It pops up from time to time on streaming services. I have the Babylon 5: The Complete Series with Movies 10pk DVD Set (“Only 20 left in stock – order soon“).
I’m with ya on that one, B5 is one of my all time favorites. Season 1 started out a bit slow, but once the Sinclair backstory started to develop (re: Minbari war) that hooked me… then in Season 2 when the Coming of Shadows started evolving I was totally in it hardcore. Then Season 3, when they hit that 2 part “War Without End” that tied back to Season 1’s Babylon 5 Squared and the origins of Valen… that BLEW…ME…AWAY… I was at that point on both knees preying to the god “J. Michael Stracynski”… hahaha
I just hate it when they have to “reboot” perfection. A big part of the series was the unknown of where it was going, even if they tweak the reboot… the overall direction is known. But then again, I hated the idea of the Battlestar Galactica reboot but then came to love it for what it was (while still loving the original). I am just weary because it is on The CW… which produced another of my all time favs (Smallville), but many other things of late have gone extremely woke… 🙁
My preference would have been for JMS to take B5 to HBO and take a page from Game of Thrones and do the story 1,000 yrs in the past (the story of Valen in the Great War)… that would be awesome!