AMD Ryzen Chipset Driver
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AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.9.1 OPTIONAL Drivers
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Firefox In The News
Mozilla has defeated Microsoft’s default browser protections in Windows
“In version 91 of Firefox, released on August 10th, Mozilla has reverse engineered the way Microsoft sets Edge as default in Windows 10, and enabled Firefox to quickly make itself the default. Before this change, Firefox users would be sent to the Settings part of Windows 10 to then have to select Firefox as a default browser and ignore Microsoft’s plea to keep Edge.”
Ask Slashdot: Why Is Firefox Losing Users?
“This weekend finds some long-time Slashdot readers debating why research shows Firefox losing market share. Long-time Slashdot reader chiguy shares one theory: “Firefox keeps losing users, according to this rant, because it arrogantly refuses to listen to its users.”
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Found this at a random site: Levi’s 505 Men’s Jeans $21 (or less)
Prices vary on color, size, and cut. I have no idea how long this will last. Good luck!
Hear OZZY OSBOURNE Duet With LEMMY On Previously Unreleased Version Of ‘Hellraiser’
Tom Hanks Marks the 20th Anniversary of ‘Band of Brothers’ With a New Podcast
“On Sept. 9, HBO will launch a 12-part podcast that will offer a deep dive into each episode of the landmark series, as the stars of the show revisit their experiences of making “Band of Brothers” and share how the legacy of the program has affected their lives.”
America struggling to keep up with other countries in exercise, general health during pandemic
“Unfortunately, Americans aren’t faring as well. Only a third (32%) say they’re now able to exercise longer without feeling winded, while only 29 percent have gone down a size or a belt notch over the course of the pandemic.
Additionally, 53 percent of global respondents have more energy throughout the day, compared to 29 percent of American respondents.”
Nationwide Survey Results: The Majority of Americans Cannot Do More Than 10 Consecutive Pushups
“The results above indicated that 36.4% of American adults report being able to perform fewer than five consecutive push-ups. An additional 17.4% report being able to perform between six and ten.
In other words, 53.8% of Americans self-report being unable to perform 10 straight pushups, whereas a minority (46.2%) report being able to. Of those unable to perform more than 10 or push-ups, approximately 31% identified as men.”
Try these, been using them for several years:
Perfect Fitness Perfect Pushup Elite
So….. the Perfect Fitness device is used to push AWAY from the buffet table to avoid over grazing?!?!? Moo-Moo bucakaroo. :-0
Just a heads up… And a call for thoughts. I downloaded MS’s program to see if I can run widows11and nope I could not. UNLESS… I changed three settings in my bios. Ok no problem. Changed rebooted and….. Wtf? Will not boot. So… I tried, pulling the battery , jumpers , pulled 3 Sticks of ram , my DVD and other HD and never could boot and never could see the screen to even try to use the assorted (f) keys. But… I put a HD with Ubuntu and it booted! But still can’t get to the bios to reset it. Any thoughts?
Did you switch from legacy BIOS to EFI?
Did you try switching back? How about switching back and restoring from backup?
I can no longer see the boot screen. F2 would normally put me into the bios screen. I’ve tried everything I know gone online even Dell techs. Lol even though it boots to Ubuntu drive it still won’t let me boot to DVD or USB
. I am getting better with Linux though 😉