Nvidia Geforce Game Ready Drivers 466.63 WHQL
“including the latest patch for No Man’s Sky which introduces NVIDIA DLSS technology. Additionally, this release also provides optimal support for Chivalry 2, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2, and the new NVIDIA Reflex integrations in War Thunder and Escape from Tarkov.”
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Intel Wireless Driver Updates
Windows 10 Wi-Fi Drivers for Intel Wireless Adapters
Intel Wireless Bluetooth for Windows 10
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors
“If you use Alexa, Echo, or many other Amazon devices, you have only 10 days until you’re opted in to an experiment that leaves your personal privacy and security hanging in the balance.”
I’ve no desire for a smart home and I won’t allow devices like these in my house. The only run-in I’ve had with these things was an Airbnb rental. We took our luggage in the bedroom and there sat an Amazon Echo Dot. Not the kitchen, not the living area, in the BEDROOM. I unplugged it. Now I don’t trust the place. Looking around for the Wi-Fi I discovered it was in a locked closet. I used a credit card to open the lock and unplugged it too. Then I used the Wi-Fi Analyzer Android app to make sure I got everything.
Video: I Took 5 DNA Tests and Compared Them | Which One Is Best?
I’ve always wanted to do one but the privacy issues hold me back.
Have any of you done this? Are you concerned about the privacy issues?
Consumer Reports – Your Genetic Data Isn’t Safe
Hello Eric, I also have wanted to do a ancestry test, the one I feel most safe with is the HomeDNA by DNA Diagnostics Center. I really looked into them and they seem to take your privacy very seriously. Here is there Privacy Policy link https://dnacenter.com/privacy-policy/. Doing my best to understand all of the legal mambo jumbo, they seem on the up and up. I hope this helps you out. 🙂