On March 10th a reader contacted me over an issue with O&O Shutup10. He pointed to this thread:
“for some reason under the “Security” settings the “Disable Telemetry” was reset automatically some how. I had to set it to green again and restart my computer, but since then I have noticed that so far the “Disable Telemetry” was reset automatically at least 5 times now? Even once after I had reactivated the setting and had restarted my computer and did nothing for about 10 minutes on my computer … the setting was again reset to red?”
Here is the setting referred to:
What this setting does is disable the dmwappushservice. Microsoft has been playing games with this service since people started disabling it almost immediately after Win10 was released. Originally it was named in the Services Management Console as dmwappushservice with a display name of dmwappushsvc . Then people started disabling it so Microsoft renamed it to Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service. You’ll remember they pulled the same crap with DiagTrack.
I can confirm that this service does reenable itself on reboot on SOME computers.
I manually disabled the dmwappushservice rebooted, waited a bit, checked services.msc and it is back to Manual (Trigger Start).
I check the Error Log and find:
Error Event ID 406 Microsoft-Windows-DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider
MDM PushRouter: Pushrouter failed to start because the dmwappushservice service is disabled.
A bunch of Googling suggests this started with KB4598291. This is an optional “Preview” and “non-security update” that I don’t have installed. So I checked the file list against the last Patch Tuesday files and it is pretty obvious that and both contain a lot of similar changes.
Next I used Macrium Reflect to return one of the computers to an image from January 26th. The dmwappushservice service was already disabled. I turned it on and off and rebooted multiple times. The status stayed the same confirming to me that a Windows Update did indeed change things.
Here is what pisses me off. There is no way any update by Microsoft should consistently bypass my Services settings. This isn’t just changing things via an update, this is continually changing a service setting on every reboot. If I disable a service it should stay disabled. I can see only 2 reasons for this happening:
1 – This is another big screwup brought to you by Windows Update.
2 – Microsoft just gave us the middle finger.
Microsoft created this issue with Windows Updates KB4598291 and KB5000802. O&O Shutup10 cannot fix what Microsoft broke. I haven’t tried a workaround but I suppose you could try and delete the service. I’m not deleting it and wouldn’t recommend it. There is a goofy supposed workaround that involves inherited permissions but I have not and will not try it. Unless someone finds a legit workaround we are just gonna have to wait for Microsoft to fix it.
What any user does with their own machine (bought & paid for by that user) is none of Microsoft’s damned business, regardless of which O/S is installed. Another reason to switch to Linux. This is really stepping over the privacy line.
I´ve encountered this resetting of Telemetry too + I also really want to get rid of (or at least permanently stop) anything connected to CDPUserSvc_***** – I don´t have any “connected devices” that needs to be synced – I use my computer almost only to record music and paid for a working OS (Win10 Pro).
I can´t remember exactly which update, but I guess it was about 1-2 years ago when my computer suddenly felt sluggish and after investigating the usual suspects I found that a bunch of services related to “connected devices” had been added – at the time you could disable them all by setting it´s start parameter to 4 in the registry, now it resets itself and renames the service’s suffix (i.e. the ***** in CDPUserSvc_*****). After the 20H2 update it doesn´t seem to choke the processor as bad as it did at first, but it is none the less irritating to know I´m forced to have this non essential service running.
New OS-services may be good for most users, but should in my opinion not be forced on all of them.
My ideal OS would be stripped of anything that´s unnecessary for me, not necessarily removed/uninstalled, but definitely stopped from autostarting.
New and better hardware is not invested in so MS can be sloppy or use it for field experiments, I´m sure I´m not the only one who buys better hardware just to get better performance.
Anyhow – a BIG, BIG thanks for all your work on tweak guides (they´ve saved me from a LOT of frustration over the years, from Vista and onwards) and computer related info Eric.
Running W10 Pro 20H2 19042.868. I disabled Device Management Wireless Application Protocol several months ago. Checked today and it is still disabled.
I disabled it again this morning and rebooted. On reboot it was still disabled. 5 minutes later it was still disabled. 10 minutes later it was back on Manual (Delayed Start).
I added “SOME computers” to the article to account for your experience.
The day after I posted it was at Manual (Delayed Start). I’ve tried disabling it several times since then and it keeps getting reset so I guess that’s that.
It seems like I may have disabled it permanently now by taking ownership in the registry + disabling inheritance (as mentioned in the malwaretips forumlink) and then setting start type to 4, I also did this to anything related to CDPUserSvc_***** which also seems to work – for now……
I guess MS next update will do a reset.
We don’t know what’s triggering this behavior. Until I do know what the reason behind this behavior is I cannot condone your solution. A couple of possibilities for your solution:
– Security risk?
– Might prevent update?
– Other issues?
You´re right Eric, there might be issues caused by my altering of the registry – but I can say that when the user still could disable them (i.e. fall 2020?) from Services in the controlpanel there were no problems on my computers. However MS might off course have made changes in the background that might affect later revisions of Win10 badly when the mentioned services are disabled “the wrong” way.
As always non-supported modifications of any software (in this case Win10) are made at the users own risk, so I can´t recommend doing them either.
I´m just saying that it seems to work – for now.
Kind regards
Hello, I appreciate all the comments that people have tried on their own efforts to resolve this issue. I provide my experience to share, and in NO way is this intended to be condescending. I went to the services, and then I decided to look at the other settings. Please note the following steps (since I cannot include screenshots:
Services>> Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service>> Recovery>> First Failure: Take No Action. Second failure: Take No Action. Subsequent failures: Take No Action. Reset fail count after: 1 days. Enable actions for stops with errors (check in box).
I wound be curious if this works for others?
I kinda feel like letting it startup and sit idle is better than it constantly trying to start up and failing.
I have experienced the same thing just today. I had 1903 version for 2 years and only a couple of days ago upgraded to 20H2. The Device Management Wireless Application Protocol that was set to disabled never turned back on.
Then I checked Event Viewer and I had received an error that it could not start due to dmwappushservice being disabled. Ok, I have made the experiment by setting to Take No Action, not sure if this will help. But still I want to know what the hell is Microsoft doing to make it start up? Btw, I was in dinner so this was silently attempting to start at 12:28am when I was away from my PC.
Somehow I feel this dmwappushservice is basically Microsoft Spying and collecting data. These idiots don’t realize they will lose Windows 10 customers with this relentless spying. I almost feeling like returning back to 8.1 or 7. There’s just so many weird things happening in Windows 10. Like for example Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant another nonsense starting when I am signed in as a Local Account!
I wonder whether this behaviour occurs in the Enterprise edition seeing that Microsoft claim that telemetry can be fully disabled in Enterprise only.
The name is also deceiving, as if it is related to wireless router setting. But I use LAN cable, no wireless adapters, etc. So unless this thing is some sort of spy service, the name is a lie basically in disguise.