WACUP Preview v1.0.21.7236
Some new features, some improvements, some fixes.
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See also: WACUP, Winamp Lives On
Firefox 86.0.1
5 fixes.
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Lou Ottens, Inventor Of The Cassette Tape, Has Died
““Cassettes taught us how to use our voice, even when the message came from someone else’s songs, compiled painstakingly on a mixtape,” Taylor said. Describing how little things have changed, he added, “So next time you make that perfect playlist on Spotify or send a link to share a song, you can thank Lou Ottens.””
Transferring that new LP to tape, mixtapes, songs for the road, songs for dark nights in the back seat… Thank you sir.
Before CD’s nearly all my music was on cassette. And ‘Spotify’ was recording off the radio and trying not to get the DJ’s voice in between recording tracks. And another use for the humble pencil, freeing off jammed cassette reels. 🙂
I did that quite a bit of that too. Sometimes I would just let the tape record until it ran out of space. I can still hear the DJ on one of them, “That was Dokken. From their Tooth and Nail LP. On the RIFF, 101, WRIF…BABY!”
I still hate when they talk over the music to this day.