Macrium Reflect v7.3.5550
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VLC 3.0.12
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Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
30th Anniversary of Desert Storm
This is just a shout-out to my fellow DS vets. It was a honor to serve with you brothers and sisters.
Lonnie Dillard Obituary (1945 – 2021)
“9. Happiness is not the result of what does or does not happen to you in your life as much as your attitude about what does or does not happen. It’s a decision you make. Every day. They say that it is always better to have ten items on a list than only nine. I say trying to do everything “they” say can snuff out whatever genius you have in you, as well as make you miserable in the process. There is no one more you than you. You do have something unique to offer your piece of the world. Damn convention or the critics. Take a chance! Unfortunately, I did not know all these lessons all my life; some I paid very dearly to learn. Or re-learn.”
I did not know nor had I ever heard about him until today and his obit went viral. I wish I had. Rest in peace kind sir.
Behind a Secret Deal Between Google and Facebook
“This idea that the major tech platforms are robustly competing against each other is very much overstated,” said Sally Hubbard, a former assistant attorney general in New York’s antitrust bureau who now works at Open Markets Institute, a think tank. “In many ways, they reinforce each other’s monopoly power.”
LOL, ya think?! I got $20 that says when all is said and done big tech:
– Gets a slap on the wrist to make it look like the politicians are doing something. During the “hearings” every politician there will rail against them and pontificate about a free internet. Then, come next election they will take their *ahem* “donations”.
– Other than that, completely gets way with everything and not only keeps but expands their monopiles.
theChive – Life was better when things WEREN’T connected to the internet (36 Photos)
I do not understand the need or desire for smart homes and/or smart devices everywhere.
I think the only reason I have one smart light switch is so it turns on automatically in the morning.
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Monday Random Stuff…
by Eric (a.k.a. TweakHound)
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Fixed. Now goes to author archives.