Windows 10 Privacy Settings
Windows 10 does a lot of communicating with Microsoft servers. Many people find this to be somewhere between an annoyance to an outright invasion of privacy. Some folks suspect it’s even worse than that. For its part, Microsoft steadfastly insists that they do not invade your privacy, that any information sent back to Microsoft is “anonymous,” and that it is for your own good. I will leave it up to you to decide.
This section will show you your privacy options, the settings I use, and 3rd party apps that can help you configure your settings.
Note that turning off some settings can the impair proper function of some built-in and Microsoft Store apps. Since I don’t use these things, I haven’t run into a single issue.
Windows Insider Program
This is a neat program for those that want updates before everyone else or for Geeks that live on the bleeding edge. It also sends the maximum amount of data back to Microsoft. If privacy is a concern, then don’t use this. More info:
Use A Local Account
If you are using a Microsoft Account and privacy is a concern, then you should switch to a Local Account. Be warned, however, you will lose syncing. If this is important to you, then skip this.
More info:
How to switch to a Local account is provided earlier in this article.
Windows 10 Built-In Privacy Settings
Click on the Notification Center / Action Center icon.
Choose All settings
Choose Privacy
For max privacy set every button in every section to OFF. It is up to you to decide if you need a certain option left on.
Under Diagnostics & feedback set to Basic.
This will cause “Some settings are managed by your organization” to appear in the General section.
That is OK.
Under Activity History, uncheck both boxes and Clear activity history
Search – Permissions & History
Go to Settings > Search > turn Off SafeSearch (Not recommended for computers used by minors)
Under the Cloud Search section > turn Off Windows Cloud Search.
Under the History section > turn Off My device history > now press the Clear my device history button
Oh, you thought we were done? LOL. Not, Even, Close…
“Telemetry is an automated communications process by which measurements are made and other data collected at remote or inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring”
You can’t have a discussion on the internet without hearing the word “telemetry” tossed about. In the case of Windows 10 (and now 7/8/8.1) Microsoft says, “Windows uses telemetry information to analyze and fix software problems. It also helps Microsoft improve its software and provide updates that enhance the security and reliability of devices within your organization.” In Windows default settings it collects info about your PC hardware, crashes, “personalization data” like what sport team you follow, and, well, anything beyond that would be speculation on my part…
Easiest way: Right-click on Start and choose Command Prompt (Admin), then copy/paste the text below and press Enter:
reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection” /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
You can copy/paste the text between the lines into notepad, save it as telemetry.reg, and double-click to apply.
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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Use Registry Editor to set the telemetry level
Use Registry Editor to manually set the registry level on each device in your organization, or write a script to edit the registry.
If a management policy already exists (from Group Policy, MDM, or Windows Provisioning), it will override this registry setting.
Open Registry Editor, and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection.
Right-click DataCollection, click New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Type AllowTelemetry, and then press ENTER.
Double-click AllowTelemetry and set the value to one of the following levels, and the click OK.
0. This setting maps to the Security level.
1. This setting maps to the Basic level.
2. This setting maps to the Enhanced level
3. This setting maps to the Full level.
Click File > Export, and then save the file as a .reg file, such as C:\AllowTelemetry.reg. You can run this file from a script on each device in your organization.
Telemetry levels
This section explains the different telemetry levels in Windows 10.
– Security. Information that’s required to help keep Windows secure, including info about telemetry client settings, the Malicious Software Removal Tool, and Windows Defender. This level is available only on Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education, and IoT Core.
– Basic. Basic device info, including: quality-related info, app compat, and info from the Security level.
– Enhanced Additional insights, including: how Windows and Windows apps are used, how they perform, advanced reliability info, and info from both the Basic and the Security levels.
– Full. All info necessary to identify and help to fix problems, plus info from the Security, Basic, and Enhanced levels.
Finished? HaHaHaHaHaHa…
Block Cortana Web Search
Copy and paste the text between lines. Save it as blockcortanawebsearch.reg , double click to apply and reboot.
You can download it here: block_cortana_web.reg or block_cortana_web.txt
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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Switch Cortana Web Search Engine
First, let’s switch Firefox or Google Chrome to default browser.
Settings > Apps > Default Apps > Click on whatever is under Web browser > choose Firefox or Google Chrome.
Hamburger menu icon > Options > Search > change Default Search Engine to one of the non-Microsoft options, ensure Use this search engine for searches from Windows is checked.
Open Chrome Settings (url: chrome://settings/) > go down to the Search engine section and chnage it.
Turn Off Cortana Web Search, Alerts, and Such
*note – This does NOT disable Cortana completely. If you do that you will have NO search capabilities. Might as well go back to Windows 7 or use Linux.
Click on in the Search Windows box > choose Gear icon > Turn everything OFF.
Remove Cortana From Taskbar
Right-click on Taskbar > choose Cortana > Hidden
Update & Security
Click on the Notification Center / Action Center icon.
Choose All settings
Choose Update & security
We are going to turn off Microsofts little torrent network on your PC.
Click Advanced options > Choose how updates are delivered > set button to OFF
Windows Defender
This one is up to you. Privacy advocates say to turn off Cloud-based Protection and Automatic sample submission. My advice is to leave it on but that is a “do as I say not as I do” recommendation.
Open Windows Defender Security Center, right-click on the taskbar icon and click Open > choose Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings.
Nope, not done yet!
Press the Windows + R keys, type services.msc and press OK.
Connected User Experiences and Telemetry and double-click on it.
Set Startup type to Disabled, click Apply and OK.
Microsoft Browsers
If you are worried about restricting all communication with Microsoft, then don’t use their browsers. I don’t.
We will be editing privacy settings for Edge in the O&O ShutUp10 section.
See your Microsoft Privacy Dashboard where you can view/delete:
Browsing history, Search history, Location activity, Voice activity, Media activity, Product and service activity, Product and service performance, Cortana’s Notebook, LinkedIn, Other privacy settings
Remove Ads And Annoyances
Turn Off App Suggestions and Tips and Tricks on Lock Screen, Start menu and in Windows
1 – Go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen > turn OFF Get fun facts, tips, and more on your lock screen.
2 – Go to Settings > Personalization > Start > turn OFF Occasionally show suggestions in Start .
I turn everything off except Show app list in Start menu.
3 – Go to Settings > System > Notifications & actions > turn OFF everything. If it is greyed out you turned it off elsewhere.
4 – Settings > Devices > Pen & Windows Ink
Turn OFF Show recommended app suggestions
5 – Remove Ads From Windows Explorer
Open Explorer (Windows + E keys).
Go to View > click Options, Change folder and search options >
Uncheck the box Show sync provider notifications > click Apply
Apps To Tweak Privacy Settings
There are lots of apps to tweak Win10s privacy settings. I’m only going to cover O&O Shutup10. Sorry, but I will not be adding more.
O&O Shutup10
Download O&O ShutUp10
This is meant to be a starting point. You must use your head.
I don’t use the Microsoft Store, and I only use the basic default apps like camera, calculator, video, etc.
This program can break things if you don’t pay attention.
All these settings are available somewhere within the Charlie Foxtrot that is Windows Settings. The advantage of this program is it puts everything in one place.
My settings (right-click > save link as) are pretty much the “Recommended” settings, plus or minus a few things. You can use this for reference if you like:
First backup your default settings: File > Export settings
Clicking on an item will tell you what the setting does.
The Privacy section should be labeled Privacy and Annoying Stuff because not everything in this section is about privacy.
Some of the stuff like “tips, tricks, and suggestions” are just annoying.
Some things like saving clipboard history you may find useful.
As I’ve said before, I use very few Windows Apps.
All of the things in this section are adjustable in Windows Settings > General > App permissions .
You can fine tune it there on a per app basis.
* “Disable app access to microphone” will break sound in VMware Workstation Player
I will not use it in a house
I will not use it with a mouse
I will not use in a box
I will not use with a fox
I will not use it here or there
I will not use it anywhere
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like Credge Sam-I-Am
(apologies to Dr. Seuss, FYI Credge=Microsoft Edge)
Sync Windows Settings – If you are a road warrior or just like your Windows stuff synced across devices, then you need to have all this stuff enabled.
Cortana – Please just go away. Forever. Take Alexa and Siri with you.
Location Services – I can’t imagine why I would want my computer involved in Geolocation, but to each his own.
User Behavior – No…Just…No
Windows Update – PAY ATTENTION HERE. These are the settings I use on my machines. Testing and investigating is what I do. Every Windows Update breaks something nowadays. If you don’t keep regular backups, if you don’t know how to rescue your computer, if you are on a mission critical system, then I HIGHLY suggest you consider the “limited” settings in this section.
OneDrive – I don’t use it. Have nothing good to say about it.
Everything else in this screen – Microsoft, can you please leave me alone…
Hi Eric,
Thanks for a masterpiece again.
I have posted about your guide in my favorite security forum:
Appreciate the hard work you put in.
Thank you
I went through it page by page. Nicely done.
I notice in your Wise Disk cleaner part your showing version 8, there at version X which has Windows WinSxS (not show in version 8).
not a big deal but thought I mention it.
Hey Eric,
I guess gone are the days where we would pour thru Black Viper’s tables to figure out what to disable. Kudos to BV of course, but it’s nice we don’t have to worry about Windows services all that much anymore.
I would recommend disabling 2 additional services — Remote Registry (maybe I’m old school and this doesn’t matter anymore, but the name of the service is still downright scary), and Connected User Experience & Telemetry (thanks but no thanks MSFT).
Great guide and thanks as always for your efforts,
Thanks Steve. Remote Registry is disabled by default. Connected User Experiences and Telemetry is taken care of here via O&O Shutup10.
I’ve noticed a small typo on page 17 under File History. The seventh word has an extra ‘s’ in it (constinuously).
Also the grammar of the first sentence does’nt seem quite right. I suggest leaving out the second and third words.
Eric: The registry hack for removing the word “Shortcut” from new shortcuts doesn’t seem to work in my version of Win 10 Pro 64b (20H32 v19042.746 Experience pack 120.2212.551.0). Instead the hex for link appears to operate as an incrementing count. For instance, say the Hex is showing 17 00 00 00 when I open RegEdit; I can set the Hex to 00 00 00 00 but on restart it shows 18 00 00 00. I wonder if it’s me, or MS?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Where is the .reg to make the tweaks to a new system?
(Libraries) Just an FYI copy pasting the folders to a new location is an unnecessary step. The move dialog will do the work of moving the files in those folders for you, save yourself a couple of seconds and an insignificant amount of bytes on the web.
Peace, Love, Donuts,
A folder with the name of the library needs to exist in the location you want to move it to. The files are still moved. Copy/paste is just as fast and easy as your way.
Since Windows 10 is funky, if anyone reads these comments I have something to add, particularly for y’all gamers.
#1 Heed the warning and /do/ not remove windows apps from your machine with O&O, user only is enough. It deleted my app manifest so a batch reinstall did not work, and couldn’t find a way to restore it. Windows Store works fine for everything but Cortana, you need to do an extra step to get her back, even if only to disable, its a windows 10 trend that follows to my next suggestion.
#2 Go into gaming settings and just disable Game Mode/Game bar, don’t remove the app from user or computer. While it has no affect, every game you run calls the game bar and will pop an error saying its missing, I assume it has to do with the processes that start up Full Screen Optimizations calling game bar as well, regardless if its disabled it will never load. It is safe to uninstall the console companion.
In 20h2 there is no longer the option “sign in with a local account instead” after you have signed in with a Microsoft account. I had a coworker do this by mistake and now I cannot remove his Microsoft account from the workstation. Is there a way to manually remove the Microsoft account?

Hi Eric,
you may provide a reg-hack which patches the Windows 10 version number (not product key) to a recent one?
MS does not deliver any apps via [Get], in my case today the free HTML5 Video Downloader by Arcadio Garcia (link below),
if they do not meet version # 10586.0 at least.
Last December I updated the OS for the sake of another app which left me in a total language mix, missing device and BT manager, a deliberate removed group policy editor (gpedit) but a proper reinstalled Cortana, Edge and all the other stuff MS cr*ps users lawn with.
Hence I re-installed my former shutupped/winslapped and outbound firewall protected v10240 again but been left in the rain
now when it comes to add simple addons from MS.
There is no rason whatsoever a downloader or else shan’t run on even older version than mine, just the usual
MS ignorance driven by complacency.
Your sincerely
Michael Damian
AFAIK there is no permanent way to do this.
Cheers Eric,
maybe the Hound digs that out one day 😉
Take care.
Nice and cool guide!
I just wanted to offer a tool for better power plan settings editing