29DEC2020 – Editing frozen. I’m now working on pulling this together.
I’m days away from completing the first draft of the new version of the Win10 tweak guide. I need a few reviewers to:
– Check for grammatical and other errors
– Does the content make sense?
– Is something missing?
You’ll be asked for your discretion and confidentiality.
Contact me at tweakblog AT gmail.com
***EDIT 24DEC2020***
First draft is up and about 1/2 dozen invites sent out. If you have volunteered and haven’t received an email the let me know. If you want to volunteer to review this please email me.
***Reviewers. If you get a message saying you’re blocked, please email me.
Below is a look at what’s in store.
Table of Contents
Lots of changes.
CCleaner completely removed because of adware and other shenanigans.
Classic Start program removed as program is dead.
All references to Acronis True Image replaced with Macrium Reflect.
Introduction (minor revisions)
Mobile-First, Cloud-First, Touch-First
Bad Tweaks
Notes & Ramblings
My Desktop Pet Peeve
First Things First
Get Your Control Panel Icons Back
God Mode (revised God Mode. See: Win10 – God Mode Icon Name Fix)
Tips For This Guide (minor revisions)
Settings For User Accounts
Account Types
Local An Microsoft Accounts Defined
Switch To A Local Account (minor revisions)
Using The Windows Store With A Local Account
How To Login Automatically (revised See: Win10 – Get Auto-Login Back)
Moving Your User Folders
Adding A Folder To A Library
Show Libraries In Windows Explorer
Customize The Desktop
Start Menu Settings
Start Menu Groups
The Win + X Menu
3rd Party Start Menus (revised Classic Start removed)
Display Settings (minor revisions)
The Taskbar
The Search Box
The Task View And Touch Keyboard Buttons
The Clock
Disable System Sounds
Customize Folder Options
Folder View Options
Optimize Folders
The Page File, SuperFetch, and ReadyBoost
The Page File (minor revisions, changed link to point to: The Windows 10 Pagefile And Running Without One)
Windows 10 Services (major revision)
Windows 10 And SSDs
Windows Update (major revision)
Miscellaneous Tweaks
Turn Off App Recommendations
Turn Off Autoplay
Remove Ads From Windows Explorer
Windows Defender
Shortcut Keys For Windows 10
Windows 10 Power Options
Power Plans For Laptops
Windows 10 Fast Startup
Disable Fast Startup
Windows Mobility Center
Add a Windows Mobility Center shortcut to your desktop
Windows 10 Networking (minor revision)
Home Networking Tips
Windows 10 Network Tweaks
Windows 10 Privacy Settings (New section folded into guide and completely revised.)
Intro, Windows Insider Program, Use A Local Account (major revision)
Windows 10 Built-In Privacy Settings (minor revision)
Telemetry, Cortana
Update & Security, Windows Defender
Services, Microsoft Browsers (major revision)
Remove Ads And Annoyances
Apps To Tweak Privacy Settings (major revision)
Windows Backup And Recovery Options (minor revision)
Reset this PC
System Restore
Accessing Windows Recovery Settings Offiline
Windows 7 Backup
File History
Recovery Media
Uninstalling Unneeded Stuff (major revision)
Optional Windows Components
Windows Apps (converted to AppBuster)
Regedit only tweaks
Maintaining Your Computer
Receiving Updates When Available
Checking for problems and fixing them
Windows 10 Troubleshooter
Administrative Tools
Reliability Monitor
Event Viewer
Generate A System Health Report
Task Manager
Clean, Defrag, & Optimize
Disk Cleanup
Advanced Disk Cleanup
Disk Cleanup Freeware (Major revision)
Manage Startup Items with Autoruns (minor revision)
Defrag & Optimize
Conclusion (minor revision)
The tools: WSCC https://www.kls-soft.com/wscc/
OR NirLauncher (i us wscc).
I like that, but, I believe that is beyond the scope of the tweak guide. Perhaps I’ll do a series of articles on stuff like that in the coming year.
I will be happy to give you an old person point of view (age 79 Vietnam vet) not as savvy anymore as I maybe used to be but still trying: Windows 10, the Brave browser, Mozilla Thunderbird, Office 365 and guys like you… are my main connections to the outside world these days.
shoot me an email
Can’t wait. I would be honored to put in my first 2 cents.
email me
Hey Eric, I’m free to review the guide for still need.
email me
email it to me, Eric
will do when ready
I tried to email you and it could not be delivered. Is it tweakblog@tweakhound.com or tweakblog@gmail.com?
Sign me up. I spent more than 20 years as an editor.
email me