Win10 20H2 has removed the standard System Properties from Windows shortcuts. For instance, pressing the Windows + Pause Break keys now bring up the new System Properties window.
If, like me, you want the old System Properties windows back you can just create an icon and place it wherever you want.
We will do this in the Desktop window.
Right click in an empty area > choose New > Shortcut >
In the resulting Windows copy and paste this in the Target window: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:::{bb06c0e4-d293-4f75-8a90-cb05b6477eee}
> click Next > choose a name (System, System Properties) >
If you want to change the icon simply click the Change Icon… button >
Now you can copy this shortcut anywhere. I’ve also uploaded this as a zip file:
Nice tip, thank you!
Thank you so very much as the shortcut also brings up two of my favorite links. Namely, Device Manager and Advanced System Settings.
Look at the right side of the new Sys Prop window. They put some stuff up there.
Dear Microsoft,
Either put the Control Panel back as it was or move all the features to the new UI. It should have been done on initial release. It’s been over 5 years and this half-baked OS still isn’t ready for prime time.
Thanks for the helpful tips Eric. You are so right about half-baked. MS has had
so many problems with their updates-upgrades(?)all these yrs. Then they throw in bogus meaningless changes to make life even more miserable.