AC/DC’s Back in Black album was released 40 years ago next week. Yes, this means you’re old!
“On 9 December 2019, it was certified 25x Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).” This puts it at #4 all-time with 2 Eagle’s albums and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” ahead of it.
One of the greatest albums of all-time by one of the greatest bands of all-time. There isn’t a mediocre song in the bunch.
Side 1:
1. “Hells Bells”
2 “Shoot to Thrill”
3. “What Do You Do for Money Honey”
4. “Given the Dog a Bone”
5. “Let Me Put My Love into You”
Side 2
1. “Back in Black”
2. “You Shook Me All Night Long”
3. “Have a Drink on Me”
4. “Shake a Leg”
5. “Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution”
ACDC – Back in Black 40th Anniversary – Fan Wall
I just spent the last week dealing with and cleaning up after a varmint infestation(Groundhog) in my basement, so listening to something so good and memorable like “You Shook Me All Night Long”, really put a smile on my face, and brought back great
memories. Thanks so much Eric!. I hope you and your family continue to be healthy, safe and secure.
Love this Album,brought it on release date.yes i am old !! cheers keep safe.
Yeah, after the groundhog was finally removed, the first thing the fellow in charge of cleanup and restoration(they also do crime scene cleanup, and my basement did kind of look like one) asked me was, “Did he see his shadow?” I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to ask him. I did love the movie, but I think I’ll pass on seeing anything with groundhogs for a while.
For all die hard fans: get to see the rockumentary for free. As I understand, it will be available for free during a limited time, beginning at 7PM ET on Friday, July 24.
I don’t know if posting the link is acceptable, if not, Eric can remove it, and you can check out loudwire dot com …
And btw, not only AC/DC rocks, this site, too!!!!
Thanks Ron!