Win10 2004
I went back to my error free, issue free 1909 image. The now usual reports of Windows Feature Updates breaking stuff is all over the internet.
Google Chrome Updated
“The stable channel has been updated to 83.0.4103.106 for Windows, Mac, and Linux…This update includes 4 security fixes.”
Download | Release Info
HandBrake 1.3.3
Several fixes and inprovements.
Download | Release Info
Facial Recognition: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
“John Oliver takes a look at facial recognition technology, how it’s used by private companies and law enforcement, and why it can be dangerous.”
Well, here we are.
3 months in quarantine, trying to forget what is out there that is trying to kill me, and now here is something else to
add to my “scare the hell out of me” bucket list. Although, truth be told, facial recognition has been on my radar for
a while. I’ve been disabling my computer, phone, and other non-essential photo recognition devices for years.
I have no social media outlets except for twitter, and that will be deleted today. I think the TV show “Person of Interest”
dystopian AI uprising has begun a lot sooner than expected. I wonder if John Oliver is having second thoughts about
having become a US citizen.
thanks Eric for the heads up,many thanks
Another issue in 2004 is you can’t manually install the driver for the Xbox 360 Wireless receiver (whether through device manager with ‘let me pick’ or manually installing the driver .exe package)
Had to revert back to 1909 as well