Intel Graphics – Windows 10 DCH Drivers
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Winaero Tweaker 0.17
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Managers turn to surveillance software, always-on webcams to ensure employees are (really) working from home
“Thousands of companies now use monitoring software to record employees’ Web browsing and active work hours, dispatching the kinds of tools built for corporate offices into workers’ phones, computers and homes. But they have also sought to watch over the workers themselves, mandating always-on webcam rules, scheduling thrice-daily check-ins and inundating workers with not-so-optional company happy hours, game nights and lunchtime chats. Company leaders say the systems are built to boost productivity and make the quiet isolation of remote work more chipper, connected and fun. But some workers said all of this new corporate surveillance has further blurred the lines between their work and personal lives, amping up their stress and exhaustion at a time when few feel they have the standing to push back…A growing cottage industry of what some managers call “tattleware” now caters to company leaders wanting some way to peer over workers’ shoulders and confirm their productivity. Several time-tracking and employee-monitoring companies, including ActivTrak, Hubstaff, Time Doctor and Teramind, told The Washington Post they have seen their customer base and revenue soar since the pandemic pushed many companies remote.”
How My Boss Monitors Me While I Work From Home
“With millions of us working from home in the coronavirus pandemic, companies are hunting for ways to ensure that we are doing what we are supposed to. Demand has surged for software that can monitor employees, with programs tracking the words we type, snapping pictures with our computer cameras and giving our managers rankings of who is spending too much time on Facebook and not enough on Excel.
The technology raises thorny privacy questions about where employers draw the line between maintaining productivity from a homebound work force and creepy surveillance.”
If you can’t trust me to get the job done then you shouldn’t have hired me.
This crap needs to stop. It’s un-American, cruel, inhumane… Any owner or manager taking part in this are horrible human beings in addition to being perverts. Any company using this should be sued and fined.
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More than 900 Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after their details are leaked online
Gov’t asked people to snitch. Losers did. Someone found the snitches info and let the info out (does that make him snitch too?). Now the snitches are scared. Good.
You’ve been told from childhood not to be a tattletale. Your parents told you, your teachers told you. Your siblings, friends, and co-workers told you not to be a nark.
tattletale noun
Synonyms for tattletale
betrayer, canary [slang], deep throat, fink, informant, informer, nark [British], rat, rat fink, snitch, snitcher, squealer, stool pigeon, stoolie, talebearer, tattler, telltale, whistle-blower
Words Related to tattletale
blabber, blabbermouth, gossip, gossiper, leaker
snoop, snooper, spy
That’s not right. No company has the right to spy on you. I also agree with your statement. Now if said company I would work for did this, is there anything I could do I my end to block it? If so what programs do you know/ use to do said work.
Maybe having a seperate work laptop, with the camera taped up, and some headphones over the mic blasting out nursery rhymes (or some other hellish music)?