Apple, Google Release Virus Contact-Tracing Tools to App Makers
“Apple Inc. and Google released the first versions of their Covid-19 contact-tracing tools to public health organizations on Wednesday so the agencies can start building applications ahead of the system’s launch in mid-May.”
Contact tracing apps can help stop coronavirus. But they can hurt privacy.
EFF – COVID-19 and Digital Rights
EFF – Apple and Google’s COVID-19 Exposure Notification API: Questions and Answers
Americans split on use of contact tracing apps powered by Apple/Google API
“Americans are divided on whether they would be willing to use coronavirus contact tracing apps powered by the joint Apple/Google API. A Washington Post/University of Maryland poll found an exact 50/50 split between those who would use it and those who wouldn’t.”
So what say you, are you gonna install it?
I’m inclined to go along with it…but I could probably, easily, be talked out of it (maybe)?
I think it’s all about ‘The Greater Good’, and making ethical decisions. In this privacy decision, it is about the belief that the highest good is to be self-serving regardless of others, which up until these last 2 months, I personally believed in. However now, it’s no longer just about me. It involves possibly the life or death of every living creature, including humans, dogs, cats, tigers, on this planet. So now, I have to believe that the highest good at this particular moment in time is to help the world in whatever way I can, and if the development of a workable contact tracing app will help with this pandemic, so be it. We voluntarily gave up our privacy after 911. So, now is the time to either “put up or shut up.”
Not excited about potential for abuse, but…. There are already so many other ways for my privacy to be compromised this is just an additional vector. I’m a maybe, and more info leading me to conclude it would be effective would probably push me over the edge.
Definitely would NOT install Eric. I only run mandatory location/tracking apps when needed then disable. The less apps
the less problems, conflicts, malware, better speed and with a phone much better battery life. Plus I want my privacy.
NO WAY! I couldn’t install the app on my Motorola Razor anyway! I’ve pretty much turned my back on smart phones – too weaponized. “Got along without ya before I met ya, gonna get along without ya now”
I cannot see how this is going to do anything for Covid-19. I can see another excuse to track people and manipulate what they do and where they go… No big brother spyware for me.. None of their business where I am and what I am doing.
I wanted to let this sit a couple of days before I gave my 2 cents.
Good article here: Show evidence that apps for COVID-19 contact-tracing are secure and effective
I would love to be part of the solution, protect my loved ones, friends, the nation, and the world. But:
– Very few intelligent, informed people believe you can completely lock down that information. It is therefore critical that the data be completely anonymized. People are afraid that the gov’t will knock on their door and they’ll be: jailed, fined, separated from their families, denied benefits, denied travel, be put on “a list”. That they will be denied insurance. That they will become social pariahs. They they will be fired and/or wont be hired.
– I have a hard time believing this can be effective. “Experts believe that at least half the population needs to use contact-tracing apps for them to work. The challenge will be convincing the public to opt in after years of trust issues with big tech.” The “experts” said “at least”. Not an expert and I have no math to back this up but I think the 1/2 number is low. And the effectiveness depends on people entering in to the phone that they are infected. How many people do you think will not enter that info or will uninstall the app as soon as they know they are infected? Unfortunately, because of people being afraid I think that number will be high.