My State Governor has issued a “Stay At Home ” order because too many twat-waffles either cannot understand the concept of social distancing or they don’t care about anyone but themselves.
Had a nice bike ride yesterday on the Virginia Capital Trail. Folks were out and about and staying the appropriate distances. Bathrooms along the way were closed as they should be. A couple of pics at the bottom of this article.
EMDB 3.56
Freeware movie database software. 2 updates this month
MP3tag 3.01
Fixes, support for .webm
Bosses Panic-Buy Spy Software to Keep Tabs on Remote Workers
“We’re watching you, it told Axos Financial Inc. employees working from home. We’re capturing your keystrokes. We’re logging the websites you visit. Every 10 minutes or so, we’re taking a screen shot.
So get to work — or face the consequences…
Employers so worried about workers’ every moves might have a bigger issue to deal with, said Sutton of software maker Teramind.
“It’s not about spying on the user,” Sutton said. “If you hired them, you should trust them. If you don’t, they have no reason to be part of the organization.””
Alcohol will not help with managing stress of self isolation, World Health Organization warns
I have Buffalo Trace and Makers Mark bourbons on my kitchen counter right now. I have in the fridge right now a 1/2 dozen high octane stouts and 5 times that many in my hutch.
WHO can go f*** itself. Perhaps if it was made in China they would be OK with it.
Pics From My Ride
Spotted a Bad Eagle (sorry for the bad quality). I’ve seen lots of animals on the trail. Almost hit a deer when I came around a corner once. He just stared at me like I had lost my mind and strutted away.
Chickahominy Riverfront Park Bridge, a rare selfie
I watched the Trail’s promo video. Saw a quick shot of a Ronnie’s BBQ place. Certainly not the kinda place I’d think to stop at during a ride, but then again I’ve never claimed to know it all when it comes to places to stop. Makes me wish I was in the neighborhood instead of NYC. Also, thanks for the Camp Chickahominy mention (ok, you said bridge). I ended my 1976 Bikecentennial Golden Spokes East (Pueblo, CO to it) there. All I remember from the camp was the mud after it rained. They got smart and moved the end to Williamsburg afterwards.
Never ate at Ronnie’s. We did get takeout from Pierce’s Pitt Bar-B-Que. We parked at the Jamestown Settlement/ Virginia Capital Trail start. In better times, right-around the corner is Billsburg Brewery that had food trucks on weekends. You could hang out on the deck that overlooks the water. It was a great way to end the day. The COVID-19 crap has ended that for now. The owner/founder passed away last month 🙁
I know a couple that are more hardcore riders than I and they park their RV at the Chick Park and do overnights/weekends.
Government tracking of its citizens… wow in the good ol US of A. Anywhoo I don’t know if will actually do any good, but I turned off geo location on all my devices. ?