Win10 Updated
Out of band update today, “Updates a Microsoft Server Message Block 3.1.1 protocol issue that provides shared access to files and printers.”
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Google: You know we said that Chrome tracker contained no personally identifiable info? Forget we ever said that
“Google has stopped claiming that an identifier it uses internally to track experimental features and variations in its Chrome browser contains no personally identifiable information.”
What’s wrong with people? I made my weekly run to the store. “Really busy for a Thursday”, I thought as I drove up. I grab a few things to make chili and head over to get paper towels and toilet paper…
What the F***???
The aisle is almost empty, there is no toilet paper. A lady, seeing the stunned expression on my face says,”Yep, I went to Costco and you can’t even park there.”
Seriously, hoarding toilet paper? To everyone that did this, YOU SUCK.
Goodbye Old Friend
A computer I built in 2008 finally bit the dust. It was my main rig for about 6 years. Twin Raptor 150’s, oof! Those were the days…
GREYHOUND – Official Trailer (HD)
Definitely gonna see this in the theater…if they’re still open.
Re- No Toilet Paper. Live down under (Australia) and the country has gone literally bonkers. I’ve been looking for the elusive paper for over three days now and everywhere I go the aisles are bare. People are fighting over the tp so the major stores have limited customers to one packet. In some places you have to queue up behind the cigarette counter to get your precious paper, I kid you not Rice, flour, lentils, canned tins, and similar items can barely be found. At my local Italian grocery all the pasta and tomato sauce has gone. We truly live in scary times and unfortunately it’s only going to get worse! And i thought Microsoft updates were a nightmare…