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Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
A top Google exec pushed the company to commit to human rights. Then Google pushed him out, he says.
“I didn’t change. Google changed,” LaJeunesse, who was Google’s global head of international relations in Washington, told The Washington Post. “Don’t be evil” used to top the company’s mission statement. “Now when I think about ‘Don’t be evil,’ it’s been relegated to a footnote in the company’s statements.”
Someone Compares The Minimum Wage In 2010 vs 2020, And If That’s Not Sad Enough, Other People Share More Statistics
“Everything started when reporter Ken Klippenstein tweeted that the minimum wage in the US has remained the same for a decade – $7.25. Pretty soon, people began replying to him with other gloomy numbers. The thread has already received over 172K likes and 53K retweets, and it looks like it continues to grow. Unlike the wallets of the minimum wage workers.”
IMHO the national minimum wage should go to $15 an hour immediately. Anything less is amoral, immoral, unethical, low-down, and rotten. Raise your prices if need be but if you can’t pay that you should close your doors. If I hurt your feelings, too damn bad.
Your smart TV is spying on you. Here are step-by-step instructions to stop it
“Those smart TVs that sold for unheard of low prices over the holidays come with a catch. The price is super low, but the manufacturers get to monitor what you’re watching and report back to third parties, for a fee.
Or, in some cases, companies like Amazon (with its Fire TV branded sets from Toshiba and Insignia) and TCL, with its branded Roku sets, look to throw those same personalized, targeted ads at you that you get when visiting Facebook and Google.”
It just never stops does it?
How we survive the surveillance apocalypse
“For the past year, I’ve been on the trail of the secret life of our data. What happens when you put your iPhone to sleep at night? Does Amazon’s Alexa eavesdrop on your family? Who gets to know where you drive – and where you swipe your credit card?…Learning how everyday things spy on us made me, at times, feel paranoid. Mostly, my privacy project left me angry. Our cultural reference points – Big Brother and tinfoil hats – don’t quite capture the sickness of an era when we gleefully carry surveillance machines in our pockets and install them in our homes.”
‘Cherry Pie’ girl Bobbie Brown says Warrant rocker Jani Lane was haunted by past before death
“At the moment that he admitted [he was drugged and raped by a member of a famous heavy metal band and their manager], it was devastating to hear. He admitted this to me before his death. It was traumatizing to watch him reveal those things and how much it had affected his life up to that point. When we were married I had no clue. This occurred when he was just starting out on the Strip. So when I’m hearing all of this with him, I’m crying with him. I was going, “We have to do something, we have to say something.” He was like, “No! No!” It was a humiliation for a man to be in that position.”
I do agree with you on the minimum wage part. Where I am at the highest paying job is $13.25 a hour, and that ‘s in my general area. You would have to go about 40+ miles then you can make $15 dollars a hour. Very sad.
For Jani Lane I really felt bad for him. I really wished that the public would not have such a bad stigma on Male rape. Rape is Rape no matter if your man or women, its sick and needs to stop.