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Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
As usual we went to the first showing. I liked it. I don’t understand the negative reviews.
Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy
“After spending months sifting through the data, tracking the movements of people across the country and speaking with dozens of data companies, technologists, lawyers and academics who study this field, we feel the same sense of alarm. In the cities that the data file covers, it tracks people from nearly every neighborhood and block, whether they live in mobile homes in Alexandria, Va., or luxury towers in Manhattan.”
This is part one of a series of articles called One Nation, Tracked An investigation into the smartphone tracking industry from Times Opinion (Links at bottom of article).
Bypass Paywalls Firefox | Bypass Paywalls Chrome
Part 2 – Protect Yourself
Part 3 – National Security
Part 4 – How It Works
Part 5 – One Neighborhood
Coming Sunday Protests
Coming Sunday Solutions
Wawa announces data breach at ‘potentially all’ locations
“The malware accessed customers’ payment card information, including credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates and cardholder names at potentially inside the store and at the self-serve pumps”
Over 267 million Facebook users had their names, phone numbers, and profiles exposed thanks to a public database, researcher says
Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The Digital Revolution Really Did To Us
“Here is the most alienating fact about the Digital Nation we live in: It incentivizes forms of engagement that make Americans feel less empowered and more alone than ever, to the benefit of very few. It seizes some of the best, noblest human instincts — to share, to know, to connect, to belong — and harnesses them to a degrading system of profit. Anesthetization to these conditions is dangerous. Cynicism and powerlessness are the hallmarks of another form of digital life, an authoritarian one Americans should badly want to avoid.”
The Miseducation of the American Boy
“Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity“
Wow – knew phone data tracking was bad but didn’t know that bad.
Want to shout out a Merry Christmas to you and Fam. Eric.
Thanks for keeping up your great website!
That means a lot. Thank you Tim.