Nvidia Geforce Game Ready WHQL Driver 436.02
“Provides increased performance and the optimal gaming experience for Apex Legends, Battlefield V, Forza Horizon 4, Strange Brigade, and World War Z”
Download | Release Notes
See: Anandtech – NVIDIA Releases GeForce 436.02 Driver: Integer Scaling Support for Turing, Freestyle Sharpening, & More
AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.8.1 Optional
fixes. Supports for Radeon RX 5700.
Download | Release Notes
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Americans are waiting three years to replace their phones, study finds
“To start with, buyers perceive newer phones’ offerings as marginal upgrades not worth getting a new device for.”
Yep. I hit 3 years this past March on my Galaxy S7 with no plan to upgrade.
What Is Cyberwar? The Complete WIRED Guide
“Incident by catastrophic incident, cyberwar has left the pages of overblown science fiction and the tabletops of Pentagon war games to become a reality. More than ever before, it’s become clear that the threat of hacking goes beyond nuisance vandalism, criminal profiteering, and even espionage to include the sort of physical-world disruption that was once possible to accomplish only with military attacks and terroristic sabotage.”
Interesting. Worth a read.
Ridiculous Headlines Of The Week:
Google wants to help protect your privacy on the web
“Google is looking to position itself as the champion of user privacy on the web.”
A federal program says you should keep your home above 78 degrees
“The program suggests different settings to automate at various times: 78 degrees when you wake up, 85 degrees during the day and 82 degrees when you’re sleeping.”
Kiss my six. Everyone involved with those ridiculous suggestions should be fired. I wonder what the temperature in their buildings and homes are?
Best Article Of The Week
Mind Your Manners, Says Edith Wharton
(If you hit a paywall try this link.)
“You have all become very rude. Not from ignorance, as Americans were in the past, but from indifference and amid affluence.
In your daily dealings you have grown slovenly, indifferent and cold. A great nation cannot continue in this way.”
Thank You very much Eric for all of the Great Information you have post. Us users are very grateful. 😀