Firefox 68.0.2
A few bugfixes and a security fix.
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Good Deal?
I can get this PC for $550. It is 4 years old but is still a really good system. Specs include:
i7-4790k, ASRock z97 Extreme 4 mobo, 16gb G.skill, Nvdiia GTX 1070 8gb, EVO 850 M.2 Sata 500gb SSD, Cooler Master Gold 550w PSU, Silverstone Grandia GD09B HTPC case, Windows 10
I would actually swap the GPU into my system that currently has a GTX 1060 6GB.
I’m tempted. What do y’all think?
Didn’t get it. Decided $500 was all I was gonna do and the guy wouldn’t come down in price.
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Microsoft warns Windows 10 users to update immediately
“The company said the vulnerabilities are potentially “wormable,” meaning affected computers could spread viruses and malware without any action on the user’s part.
There are “potentially hundreds of millions of vulnerable computers,” Simon Pope, Microsoft’s director of Incident Response, wrote in a blog post Tuesday.”
Amazon’s Rekognition software can now spot fear
“The facial recognition tech is also getting better at estimating a person’s age, the company says”
Huge security flaw exposes biometric data of more than a million users
“The breach… included the fingerprint data of more than 1 million people, facial recognition information, unencrypted usernames and passwords, and other personal information of users of Suprema’s Biostar 2 security platform. The information, which included a total of 27.8 million records totalling 23 gigabytes of data, was found in a publicly accessible database, although it’s unclear whether any malicious actors accessed the data while it was unsecured.”
Ring Told People to Snitch on Their Neighbors in Exchange for Free Stuff
“Ring helped people form private ‘Digital Neighborhood Watches’ where they report ‘suspicious activity’ in exchange for free Ring products and discounts, according to a presentation obtained by Motherboard.”
Manhattan DA Got Innocent People’s Google Phone Data Through A ‘Reverse Location’ Search Warrant
“prosecutors sent Google a warrant for phone records near the conflict…the warrant was a reverse location search warrant…Court records show that this dragnet data request captured the location data of multiple people who were put under law enforcement scrutiny, even though they had nothing to do with the crimes under investigation.”
Facebook Paid Contractors to Transcribe Users’ Audio Chats
“The work has rattled the contract employees, who are not told where the audio was recorded or how it was obtained — only to transcribe it, said the people, who requested anonymity for fear of losing their jobs. They’re hearing Facebook users’ conversations, sometimes with vulgar content, but do not know why Facebook needs them transcribed, the people said.”
Someone Modified A Roomba To Curse When It Bumps Into Things And It’s Hilarious
“Technology YouTuber Michael Reeves, known for his colorful language and clever but ultimately pointless robots, decided to take a different approach, however, by responding to his followers’ requests to make a Roomba that screams and curses when it bumps into stuff.”
Not really a new concept. People used to pay me to have their Garmin swear at them back before smart phones had decent GPS. “Turn left dumb f***”…
How is the box cooled? A decent radiator might be enough to push me over the edge. It’s not really a steal, but a solid deal and something I could do a lot of different things with. But then again I’m running AD via Samba on a 3rd Gen i7 and a media server w/RAID on another 3rd Gen i5 because I can. I can also keep the home office at a comfortable temp in the winter without touching the thermostat;)
Noctua U9S
I think the system is a great deal, but you already knew that. 😉
I would jump on it because gtx 1070 still has a high resale yet and the performance is great still for its age. The only thing I would do is to ask if its ever been over clocked,and if it had by how much and how long. Otherwise I would go for it. Also I would try to get the seller if they would take 450 because it will give you a bit more wiggle room in case said part would fail. 450 is a little easier to swallow then 550. I hope this helps.
Claims no OC. $500 offer in.
Sounds good,I hope you get it 🙂
Eric,very good deal for this computer,500 solid I built my own rig 6 years ago,AMD FX 8320 proccesor,24 gigs of ram,DDR3,2GPU’s R9 270X 1 with 4gigs another with 2 gigs,ASUS 970 pro gaming mobo,850 watt psu,cpu overclocked @3.7,cooler I use a noctua LH-L12,I don’t trust liquid cooling yet? I thought I bought the best componets for the money I had
I wouldn’t go for it; it is well out of date after 4 years.Half the items are worth very little. Put your money towards newer gear.
Trust me I work in IT and most stuff after 4 years is clapped out, and we are advising an upgrade, and 4 year old gear is worthless. This is money down the drain.
I got a couple of observations for consideration.
A 4790k not oced. Why not just get a 4790?
Power supply would be real ifie for me along with the air cooler. I’d venture to say those two would be the reason for no oc.
Potential there still but the case may be a factor in no water cooling.
Just my 2 cents.
Been using DD-WRT for years on various Linksys routers and on an ASUS router with no apparent problems. Highly recommended.
Sorry about your dad. He’s lucky to have you.
Keep up the good work.
Didn’t get it. Decided $500 was all I was gonna do and the guy wouldn’t come down in price.