Google Chrome 75
Security fixes on the Desktop, “stability and performance improvements” on Android.
Download for Desktop: 32- bit or 64-bit | Download for Android
CCleaner 5.6
Falsh related updates, 2 bugfixes, and CCleaner Browser. Wait… there is a CCleaner browser…
I reckon so: Preview our faster, private and more secure browser! Hmmm…dunno…
Download (I use portable) | Release Announcement
See also: Blocking A Programs Internet Access Via The Windows Firewall
Teens Who Spend More Time on Social Media Have Increased Depression: Study
“Based on the upward social comparison, it may be that repeated exposure to idealized images lowers adolescents’ self-esteem, triggers depression, and enhances depression over time. Furthermore, heavier users of social media with depression appear to be more negatively affected by their time spent on social media, potentially by the nature of information that they select.”
Tomorrow Is National Hot Dog Day
Grill it, boil it, broil it. Burn it over a camp fire. Have one at the ball park or your favorite dive bar topped with canned chili.
Several food stores and truck stops are having specials. Might wanna check your local hot dog joint too.
Back when I lived in Michigan I ate Koegel brand a lot. These days I’ll do Nathans, Hebrew National, or Ball Park (beef).
Thanks for the return to the NPR channel for all hot dogs, all the time. WooHoo!
I noticed that when I updated this(Chrome) on Win7 that it now says at the bottom of (help about google Chrome) that it says Your browser is managed. that wasn’t there last time I updated. This is my backup browser and it is seldom used, mostly only when it needs an update. Couldn’t see a way to turn that off.