Sysinternals Freeware Updates
Autoruns, Process Explorer, RAMMap, and Sysmon all updated.
AMD Radeon Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.6.3 Optional
Support for F1 2019, 1/2 dozen fixes.
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Other Software Updates
FinalCrypt 5.0.2
Mp3tag v2.96
Apple Moves Mac Pro Production to China
The $6,000 desktop computer had been the company’s only major device assembled in the U.S.
Just one more reason not to deal with that company. You suck Apple.
Hey, Eric sorry to bug you. I just saw this post and wanted to let you know because of how you always make back ups of your pc. I will remember to e mail you if you prefer that, I though this was important.
I don’t believe in registry backups and I never have. System Images only 🙂
Ok cool, Thank you for letting me know that ?