O&O ShutUp10 Updated
Version 1.6.1402 features Win10 1903 support.
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Tails 3.13.2
Fixes and improvements
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Tor Browser 8.0.9
This release fixes the issue which caused NoScript and all other Firefox extensions signed by Mozilla to be disabled.
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Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
To Stand Out, the Army Picks a New Uniform With a World War II Look
I like it. I always hated those ugly green Class A’s. (That’s me below in East Berlin circa 1987.)
More stuff added because of conversation below.
I painted on the wall:
travel pass
Salute you…….my friend!
Thank you for your service, Eric. I didn’t serve, but I graduated high school in 1988 and went to stay with a cousin of mine who lived in Frankfurt (am Main) for a couple of months that summer. He was a civilian contractor for the military and we were able to take the duty train to West Berlin and then the bus ride into East Berlin. An experience I will never forget.
If you get the chance, check out Mark E. Andersen’s post over on Daily Kos. He’s a vet who was actually posted right at the guard posts along the East/West Germany border. I think he was there in the early to mid 80’s so he’s just ahead of us in age and being over there. Here’s a link about about his time over there. There is one article where he took his son back over to Germany a couple of years ago to visit the old border towers and posts, some of which are museums.
If I can dig up a couple of my pics in Berlin at that time I’ll post if that’s possible.
Thanks again for everything you do here at TH.
P.S. As in all instances like this, it’s funny seeing the actual person compared to what you thought someone would look like all these years.
Great link! Seems he was there a year or so before me.

His memories mirror my own. I also remember really cheap horrible vodka and being shadowed. I reckon they had nothing better to do than follow a few Spec 4’s. Maybe it was some poor souls punishment.
I got to go because it was my turn to win a soldier of the month or quarter or whatever and that was the reward.
Had to take a train through East Germany to get to West Berlin. Shades drawn and no peaking during the trip. I remember peaking out at a stop somewhere in East Germany and all I saw was an empty train station with a few military guards with AK’s.
West Berlin was a blast and we only got a taste. I think we only slept a few hours. I remember everyone on both sides of the city being super nice to us.
I added 2 pics to the article 🙂
I partied in Frankfurt a few times. My duties took me to much of the surrounding area.
Thanks Scott!
p.s. – Expecting this?!