Microsoft Office Updates
This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Word 20XX 32 and 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
All supported version of MS Office have updates.
How to check for Office updates.
Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Drivers for Windows 10
Version: 20.120.1, Date: 4/24/2019
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Windows security on disconnected devices whitepaper (Microsoft)
This whitepaper will help you understand the use of a defense in depth strategy when protecting disconnected devices. It’s especially relevant for enterprises in the manufacturing, public service, and military industries.
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Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
I Used to Work for Google. I Am a Conscientious Objector
American companies continue to build surveillance tools that are used to violate human rights. Workers who refuse to comply deserve protections.
One part of me says, “Shut up and do your job or quit.” But that’s only when I disagree with what they are doing…
Senator Says Nurses Don’t Need Breaks As They Spend Most Of The Day Playing Cards, Nurses Respond With Sarcastic Pics
The lawmaker came under fire after saying that nurses in smaller hospitals “probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day” during a debate about legislation that would provide nurses with uninterrupted meal and rest periods.
What a tool.
Wow, Has Senator Maureen never been in a hospital or be a patient of one? Nurses are the hardest working people I have meet. I have be a patient of a few of them and all were working hard doing reports or patient care. Some were slacking off, but that was only because they had about 3 mins left on there 12 hour+ shift. She will have to be careful now because Its not wise to make the people that give you shots mad at you. It will be painful lol.
The New York Times “Privacy Project” might be on to something that they might consider putting on the other side of their paywall (if it isn’t there already).
Thanks for the heads up, Eric, about Jack Poulson, the Conscientious Objector who Used to Work for Google.
Do you have an opinion about the Brave browser as one alternative to Google Chrome? (Or how to you surf the net?)
I surf using FF in Linux Mint. Haven’t tried Brave.