Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Driver 417.35 WHQL
Provides the optimal gaming experience for the release of Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) beta in Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition
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Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 for Windows (1 security fix, bugfixes)
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Other Software Releases
Tails 3.11
Tor Browser 8.0.4
Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Many apps on your phone are tracking everywhere you go — here’s how to stop them
Your apps are tracking you — here’s how to stop them
How This Supercolony of 1.5 Million Penguins Stayed Hidden for Nearly 3,000 Years
This year, scientists announced an incredible discovery by looking at poop stains in satellite images — 1.5 million Adélie penguins were living and thriving on a little patch in Antarctica surrounded by treacherous sea ice called the Danger Islands.
There is a joke in there somewhere about DC. I just can’t come up with it.
NSFW – Mason Foster, Washington Redskins Defensive Captain
Pure class.
I noticed you posting TOR update info. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this info about TOR: https://restoreprivacy.com/tor/
I love your site. My stepfather had alzheimer’s. He died a few years ago. I definitely feel for you.
I’m aware of that info. It’s too bad but there are ways to make tor work, like the article states “correctly using a VPN with Tor“. I guess it really depends on what you want out of it. I’d be happy with keeping Big Tech, my ISP, and most web sites I visit outta my biz. It’s annoying and unethical.
Sorry about your stepfather. Thanks for your support.