AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition Optional 18.12.1
“Support for Just Cause 4”
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GeForce Hotfix Driver Version 417.21
This is GeForce Hot Fix driver version 417.21 that addresses the following:
– Memory Data Rate reporting incorrect value in NVIDIA Control Panel
– Microsoft Edge does not respond after playing back video
– Can’t apply color format after updating to driver 417.01
Click the appropriate link to download the driver:
NVIDIA GeForce Hotfix Driver 417.21 for Windows 10 x64 – DCH
NVIDIA GeForce Hotfix Driver 417.21 for Windows 10 x64 – Standard
CCleaner 5.50
Download (I use portable) | Release Announcement
This version has “control and transparency over when updates are performed.”
LOL. I control that with the Windows Firewall, article to follow.
Google Shut Out Privacy and Security Teams From Secret China Project
“people’s search records would be easily accessible to China’s authoritarian government, which has broad surveillance powers that it routinely deploys to target activists, journalists, and political opponents…
Beaumont and other executives then shut out members of the company’s security and privacy team from key meetings about the search engine, the four people said, and tried to sideline a privacy review of the plan that sought to address potential human rights abuses…
“Their biggest fear was that internal opposition would slow our operations.”…
Google employees who had worked on Dragonfly watched the furor unfold and were not surprised by the backlash. Many of the concerns raised by the human rights groups, they noted, had already been voiced inside the company prior to the public exposure of the plans, though they had been brushed aside by management…
Zunger and his colleagues produced a privacy report that highlighted problematic scenarios that could arise once the censored search engine launched in China. The report, which contained more than a dozen pages, concluded that Google would be expected to function in China as part of the ruling Communist Party’s authoritarian system of policing and surveillance…
“What Pichai said [about Dragonfly being an experiment] was ultimately horse shit,” said one Google source with knowledge of the project. “This was run with 100 percent intention of launch from day one. He was just trying to walk back a delicate political situation.”
Deal expired
Star Trek: Stardate Collection Blu-ray
Was: $58.99
You Save: $26.63 (45%)
That’s a good deal for the movies. I think I’ll pick one up. Thank you for sharing!
Live long and prosper!