Stuff I bookmarked recently. Some off topic, some not:
Nvidiux: Nvidia GPU Overclocking And Underclocking Software For Linux (GUI)
“Nvidiux is a graphical Nvidia GPU overclocking tool for Linux. The application makes it easy to overclock or underclock Nvidia GPUs, while also providing some extra features like fan control or GPU monitoring.”
The best phone to buy right now (2018) – The Verge
LOL. I knew what their pick was before I clicked the link. And they wonder why people call them iVerge…
USPS Site Exposed Data on 60 Million Users
“U.S. Postal Service just fixed a security weakness that allowed anyone who has an account at to view account details for some 60 million other users, and in some cases to modify account details on their behalf.”
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…
Exclusive poll: America sours on social media giants
“In the past year, there has been a 15-point spike in the number of people who fear the federal government won’t do enough to regulate big tech companies — with 55% now sharing this concern…Yes, but: About 40% of Americans still feel that social media is a net positive for society. Overall, 65% of people say smartphones have made their quality of life better…Americans are more aware than ever before about the dark side of technologies, which should worry Silicon Valley.”
Apparently 40% of Americans wear rose colored glasses.
Google Reveals Plans to Monitor Our Moods, Our Movements, and Our Children’s Behavior at Home
“What the patents describe are sensors and cameras mounted in every room to follow us and analyze what we’re doing throughout our home.
They describe how the cameras can even recognize the image of a movie star’s image on a resident’s t-shirt, connect it to the person’s browsing history, and send the person an ad for a new movie the star is in.”
Smart homes, for people who aren’t.
Windows 10 Telemetry
This topic has been making the rounds for the last couple of days. The German government Federal Office for Information Security did a paper entitled, “Analysis of Telemetry component in Windows 10“. It dissects and offers advice on slowing/stopping/blocking Win10 telemetry.
This article and analysis offers absolutely nothing new. Geeks have known all this information for some time. Everything you could possibly want to know on this subject and the available solutions are available here:
Forums at Mt Digital Life – [REPO] Windows 10 TELEMETRY REPOSITORY (requires login to see everything)
My Amazon Fire HD 10
Received, rooted, hacked. Still playing with it. Article at least a week out.
Still looking forward to your article about rooting the Fire HD 10.