The Selfish Ledger
iVerge managed to get their hands on a 2016 internal video from Google. The video is embedded in the magazine style header at the top of the page. Someone uploaded a copy to YouTube if you prefer. There is also an excellent video breakdown of the issue at the bottom of the article worth watching. I would recommend watching it first. YouTube video here.
If this video doesn’t creep you out then either you don’t understand it or there is something wrong with you. Google plays this off as a “thought experiment”. Maybe, but it sure is a telling one.
“The Selfish Ledger positions Google as the solver of the world’s most intractable problems, fueled by a distressingly intimate degree of personal information from every user and an ease with guiding the behavior of entire populations. There’s nothing to suggest that this is anything more than a thought exercise inside Google, initiated by an influential executive. But it does provide an illuminating insight into the types of conversations going on within the company that is already the world’s most prolific personal data collector.“
Is this the future? Will we become what “they” want us to become? And, who watches the watchers?
It’s OK To Be Evil
With it’s bad behavior and publicity, I’m sure Google was tired of getting it’s “Don’t be evil” motto thrown back it’s face.
Solution? Remove the motto.
Don’t know what to say about the video. Strange I suppose. They are already doing this to a certain extent it seems to me.
Why is it that these evil schemes are always about “World Domination”. And why is it that just before “preparing for our demise” that these “Evil Villains” insist on showing us how they’re going to do us in, at least in movies and TV commercials. Please watch this Google, …I mean Geico commercial and be dazzled.( Triangle of Trepidation! Ha!