Today is patch Tuesday. My advice from last Patch Tuesday holds, “Unless you are a masochist you shouldn’t be updating any Windows machine today.“ I’ll post more info this afternoon.
oops, I was a week early.
Reader Interactions
Today is only the first Tuesday of the month. While there is a flash player update, unless i am missing something that is it.
David Millianssays
Well, it’s office patches. Not regular patches. That’s second tuesday. These office patches almost never cause issues.
I think your a week early.
Isn’t it 2nd Tuesday of the month
Today is only the first Tuesday of the month. While there is a flash player update, unless i am missing something that is it.
Well, it’s office patches. Not regular patches. That’s second tuesday. These office patches almost never cause issues.
I think your a week early.
Isn’t it 2nd Tuesday of the month