We the people are ticked off and that means lawsuits. There are three class action lawsuits aimed at Intel right now. Hopefully there are many more to follow. I’ve inquired about joining one.
Nightmare On Elm Street
The FCC is trying to say the lame internet speeds we had years ago are more than adequate and is trying to label them “broadband”. Some folks think they are trying to “Hide the Digital Divide“.
See also: #MobileOnly Challenge (frack I hate hashtags)
Breakfast Club
Wanna know the answer to Why Raspberry Pi isn’t vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown? My guess: Cause it uses a crappy little CPU?
Tip: Sometimes bragging only serves to highlight your shortcomings.
Me, I’m in the math club, uh, the Latin, and the physics club… physics club.
ISP threatens to turn off heat off of those who are infringing on copyright. Apparently they have assumed to role of Barney Fife. Let us just hope Andy didn’t let him take his bullet out of his pocket.
Back To The Future
After being on the cover 10 times, Bill Gates will be the first guest editor at Time Magazine. I had to pop over to their website that I didn’t even know existed. I haven’t picked up an issue of Time in 20+ years and didn’t think much of it back then. In fact I haven’t picked up an issue of any print magazine in that long except the one with the bunny logo. Contrary to popular excuse making, it was only for the pictures.
What do the above headlines have in common?
First correct guesser gets…um… the thanks and awestruck congratulations of me!
They are all far-fetched but scarily possibly true?
All the headlines are movies from the 80s!
You are the winner!
Eric, I must say, I’m disappointed with the jab you made at the Pi for having “a crappy little CPU.” Did you read the blog post?
“Why Raspberry Pi isn’t vulnerable to Spectre or Meltdown.” The same reason Apple Watch isn’t: Its processor is the tech equivalent of a tired gerbil on a wheel.