No, I am not going to let up on this topic. Save the planet! Save yourself! Get off of InstaSnapTwitFace+.
That well known tech publication Vanity Fair has a great article called The End of the Social Era Can’t Come Soon Enough. I kid about the tech thing. While I certainly wouldn’t take tech advice form VF they definately have insight into culture that I definitely lack.
“Will a future generation look back in 10, 20, or maybe 100 years from now and wonder, mystifyingly, why a generation of humans believed in these platforms despite mounting evidence that they were tearing society apart—being used as terrorist recruitment tools, facilitating bullying, driving up anxiety, and undermining our elections—despite the obvious benefits and facilitations they provide?”
Ditch Social Media

Interesting article, I just about deleted my Facebook but my (Nat’l Guard) unit has a private page to help keep people informed on minor news (nothing critical or classified). Also (and mostly), my wife posts a lot of articles about Catholic Saints and news. We like to use that as a sort of repository of things to save and go back to. I honestly check Facebook about once a week or less and have been that way for years now. It’s both saddening and shocking to see the way it effects most peoples’ lives now.
Yes, so many organizations are tied in to social media. Honestly I think it is because they are too cheap and/or lazy to maintain web sites.
Thank you for your service!