Apologies for the lack of posts. Working 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks.
First I wanted to thank everyone who donated to my BikeMS ride. It was much appreciated.
As if working too much wasn’t enough, the engine in our (my wife’s) 2009 Scion went bad after 135,000 miles. I grew up in UAW country. My Dad worked on the assembly line at Saginaw Steering Gear. I didn’t want her to get a foreign car but kept my yap shut back then (even though I make 1/2 the payments). This time I made plain I wanted half the input and it had to be USA made. Thankfully she was good with that.
I spent what little free time I had researching and shopping for vehicles.
We got a 2017 Jeep Cherokee High Altitude 4X4. Serious deals to be had right now.
Congratulations on both Eric