I’d Rather Be Lucky Than Good
Some Geek registered the domain name involved in the attacks and slowed the attacks to a crawl. Despite the articles claim, it did not “put out the fire”. The attack is still alive.
But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To leave your lover…
Get rid of SMB1 dammit!
(Paul Simon – 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover)
***Microsoft – Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks***
XP Patched Too
Hit the link above. Downloads at the bottom of the article.
Below is my XP Pro Virtual Machine.
As you can see I normally have the network connection disabled.
Other steps you can take.
– Disable all Exceptions on the firewall
– Disable the Server service
– Unbind file and printer sharing
There are other steps but XP is supposed to be dead. If you care about security you are only using it in a VM with no internet connection, if at all.
Sadly I am reluctant to install Windows updates. I disabled the threat in 8.1 by Control Panel, Programs and Features, Turn Windows features on or off, SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support unchecked, ok..
If that machine is your daily driver, rather than a specialized machine running specialized software, alone, you need to update. Please. If it’s not this, it’ll be something else. Updating solves and prevents 90% of the things that can get you. Not running as admin gets another 9%.