I’m taking off for a few days. I’ll leave you with this stuff…
Win10 Creators Update Official
This will hit Windows Update starting today. Because Win10 Windows Update is a Charlie Foxtrot, you may not be offered this for a while.
Watch the Windows Blog for the official announcment.
Watch Neowin for more download links.
Watch Ask Woody for watches, warnings, and upgrade advice.
Update and/or get official ISO here so you can update on your timetable: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO
I wouldn’t be in a hurry to update. Backup before proceeding!
Time To Run Windows Update
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 update history
Hasta La Vista, Baby!
Windows Vista is dead. Good riddance!
Storage Deals
Amazon Gold Box Deal of the Day: Save up to 35% on select SanDisk memory products
Some great deals on Flash Drives, SSDs, and Memory Cards.
Adobe Acrobat And Flash Updated
Security updates.
Download Flash
Download Reader
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
“Last October, Microsoft announced that the third major feature update for Windows 10 would be marketed as the Creators Update. And it created, ahem, a video showing off new features that would arrive in that update.
That video is a lie.”
Fact Check: Microsoft’s Creators Update Introduction Video
Gold Box link?
Also there is no such thing as “no politics”
Link is/was fine. Please whitelist TweakHound.com with your adblocker.
There is a new update for O&O ShutUp
Thanks! Posted.
I don’t think there is a TechNet post for April. I had to use the Security Update Guide.
Thanks. Updated.