Software Updates
Google Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (Android too)
AMD Radeon Crimson ReLive Edition 17.1.2 Drivers
Kodi 17
USS Enterprise Retired
Not the Federation Starship you Geeks, the real one!
There will be another!
Win10 / 8.1 Zero Day
Microsoft Windows SMB Tree Connect Response denial of service vulnerability
Apparently MS has been sitting on this since December but will patch on Feb 14th. Windows 7 is NOT affected.
“Microsoft designed the Windows 10 operating system to be the most secure version of the Windows operating system to date.”
My Galaxy S7
Supposedly the Samsung flagship phone.
Security patch level October 1, 2016 (I’m on Verizon).
Currently running Android Marshmellow (6.0.1).
Android Nougat final released AUGUST 22nd, 2016. Still not available for the S7.
And they wonder why people are switching to iPhones and hackers make fun of Android security.
Blame the Verizon for lack of updates. Samsung cannot release updates until they have green light from service provider. I have UK/EU Version and I received android security updates almost every month. 2 weeks ago I received Nougat updates.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Try switch to Lineage OS (formally CyanogenMod) Stabel OS, with the last Android security updates
AFAIK, not available for S7?