I, just, can’t, believe it. I agree with Tim Cook on something.
In terms of the balance of privacy and AI, this is a long conversation, but at a high level, this is a false tradeoff. People would like you to believe you have to give up privacy to have AI do something for you, but we don’t buy that. It might take more work, it might take more thinking, but I don’t think we should throw our privacy away. It’s sort of like the age old argument between privacy and security. You should have both. You shouldn’t have to make a choice.
Well said sir. Well said.
I agree…if fact, I think AI should go to an even higher standard than just people’s behavioral patterns, thoughts and preferences. When it is engaged in invading people’s privacy, it makes me think that it is based on some nefarious reason or money driven. As far as the “Apocalypse” is concerned, I am currently far more worried about the Cubbies possibly winning the World Series. I fear a parade in Chicago and the world as we know it ending the next day. 🙂