I’ve started work on the AnniUpdate edition of the Win1o tweak Guide. The first step is to figure out what is new (aside from the usual fixes and improvements).
This sites focus was, is, and will continue to be on desktop / laptop users. When it comes to Windows 10 I do not use, nor do I care about “mobile” be it a phone or tablet.
So with that in mind, let’s look at AnniUpdates new features.
Sticky notes – Seriously? You understand that Windows Vista and 7 had that as a Windows Gadget right?
Microsoft Edge extensions – I would have to actually use Edge to care (I don’t even use IE.) But OK.
Improvenents to XYZ… – Congrats on trying to make your product work as it should, or heaven forbid make it marginally useful (Defender/Hello/Edge)
Cortana improvements – There isn’t a single feature in the history of Windows I despise more. Go away already.
Cortana integration with Cortana phone app – Almost no one uses Windows phone (market share below 1%). Why in the name of all that is Geeky would you use cortana on Android or iPhone?
Bash shell – Why?
Dark Theme – We Geeks already had it although official support has brought some needed tweaks.
Start menu changed – There are countless useful start menu replacements. My favs are Start10 and Classic Start.
Action Center changes – Oh you mean it is finally becoming marginally useful and I don’t have to use both the Action Center and Control Panel to adjust settings? Like maybe UAC or Network and Sharing??? (Not!)
Notification badges – Well at least it isn’t a popup, and you can turn it off.
Wi-Fi Sense gone – Good riddance. Moronic idea anyway.
Network Status – Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status. Great stuff here!
OK everyone help me out. What am I missing?
Eric, thank you for your dedication to focusing on desktops/laptops. I’ve been coming to your site for years and my laptop (dual boot Win7 Ultimate) is as lean and mean as a six-year old computer can be thanks to your tweaking guide. I laughed a little (with you, not at you) regarding your words with Win10. As you have said, Win7 is the last of the great desktop/laptop operating systems. Personally, I am Win7 until new computer. I guess that will be the big choice…..Win10 or another operating system?
Thanks for all the work with the site. Know that it is appreciated.
Thank you Scott!
How about the Compact os feature? I see a bucket of worms with that one.
I don’t understand the need for this feature for home users. Also, I’ve yet to see a benchmark for this?
I have a manual procedure to more or less secure IE, Chrome and Firefox, but couldn’t find info re Edge(
IE -> Internet Options ->
Browsing History-> check Delete Browsing history on exit->Settings-> History->Days keep in history-> 0
Advanced->Empty Temporary Internet files …-> OK
Google-> Settings-> People – > uncheck 2 boxes, Show advanced setting, scroll to Passwords & Forms – > uncheck 2 boxes
Open Windows Explorer/File Explorer-> View – > Options-> View -> check Show hidden files, folders and drives -> OK -> navigate to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default-> Right click on History -> Properies -> check Read Only -> OK
Firefox -> Options ->
Security -> Logins -> uncheck 2 boxes
Privacy -> Never remember history
Eric, I am trying the cortana app on android. The only thing useful to it in my opinion, is I can reply to text via my desk top. Now this does bring up the whole privacy issue. I’m not even sure how to handle that any more. Privacy is almost non-existent these days sigh! I just want a working OS without the bloat.
I understand the sentiment that privacy doesn’t exist anymore. I refuse to give in to this.
Illegitimi non carborundum
There is nothing exiting regarding win10 or the uni update, with the exception of the “better” UI(still not good) from win8 and dx12
Bro, we are of the same mind.
disable telemetry open Command Prompt as administrator by clicking right mouse button on Start button or by pressing Win+X shortcut, and enter the following:
sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo “” > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl
reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection” /v AllowTelemetry /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f