This is why I don’t like Apple, never have liked Apple, never will like Apple:
iVerge: Apple says it took ‘courage’ to remove the headphone jack on the iPhone 7. Yes, really
Apple is removing the headphone jack from the iPhone. When rationalizing it Phil Schiller, Apple’s marketing chief said,
“The reason to move on: courage. The courage to move on and do something new that betters all of us,”
Bro, even iVerge is calling you out.
Selected quotes from the article (and the twitter posts they have up):
“Others could say Schiller’s comments are representative of the trademark Apple arrogance, indicative of a company culture in which doing what’s logical and consumer-friendly is often conflated with doing what Apple executives think is best for its own product lines and for the industry, standards be damned.”
“We’re going to move from an open standard to a closed, proprietary, expensive competitor because COURAGE.” @benwerd
“the foot soldiers of Agincourt; the D-Day paratroopers; the headphone jack guy” @lauraolin
Twitter and the other social media outlets are alive with guffaws, LOLs, ROTFLS, etc.
Courage comes in many forms and from many people. Every day average people face impossible, horrible, and deadly circumstances with courage. You little nerds in Cupertino removing a headphone jack doesn’t even come close to the definition of courage.
But that is Apple. Arrogant, self-important, and condescending. “Courage” my ass.