Liar, liar, pants on fire…
Windows 10 may freeze after installing the Anniversary Update – Updated 8-31-16
“The Windows Update released on August 31st for Windows 10 includes a fix for this issue.”
NOPE. All updates applied. Still freezing.
Neowin – Microsoft has finally fixed the freezing issue in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
“Microsoft stated that this occurred due to the apps and operating system being installed on separate drives.”
NOPE. Apps in default location.
Paul Thurrott – Microsoft Fixes the Windows 10 Freezing Issues
“And if for some reason you’re still experiencing freezing problems after all this, Microsoft recommends creating a second administrator account on your PC, and signing in to that account. Once you do so, your regular account should work fine again. Why? Because Windows 10, that’s why.”
NOPE. Didn’t work. All workarounds attempted.
PC World – Microsoft fixes Windows 10’s Anniversary Update freezing
“Once that’s done, reboot your PC and you should be able to login to your original account with no problems. If it doesn’t, you can roll back your PC to vanilla Windows 10 and reinstall the Anniversary Update once again.”
NOPE. See: Infinite Loop or HCF or “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Win10 still unusable…
I had the freezing problem from the Windows Anniversary Update. The only way that I was able to resolve the problem was to do a clean install of Windows and then load the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver for my WD hard disk. I then loaded all of my motherboard drivers from a flash drive. (My computer setup is a Samsung NVMe SSD 950 pro with a WD 2TB hard disk.) If I loaded my drivers from the hard disk instead of the flash drive, the freezing problem remained. On my second computer, I had the same problem with the freezing. (That computer has a Samsung 840 pro ssd with a Samsung 830 ssd.) Again, if I loaded the motherboard drivers from the second ssd, the freezing problem remained. It was only when I loaded the motherboard drivers from a flash drive the it remained problem free.
I have no idea why it worked.
I’ve not had a freezing problem, but updates KB3176934 and KB3176938 both simply fail to install after “active hours” are past resulting in 4-5 reboots to roll back the changes, only for it to redownload either/both updates the next day. Removing the ability to choose when and what updates to install is something I’ll never forgive MS for.
It seems that really stable Windows 10 is only “Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB”. LTSB means “Long Term Servicing Branch”, which is designed for “hospital emergency rooms, air traffic control towers, financial trading systems, factory floors”, etc. – where operation system must be absolutely stable.
You can read more about this here:
But there are no Windows Store, “metro”-apps, Cortana and even Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB (ISO images):
“Note that LTSB images will not contain most in-box Universal Windows Apps (for example, Microsoft Edge, Cortana, the Windows Store, the Mail and Calendar apps) because the apps or the services that they use will be frequently updated with new functionality and therefore cannot be supported on PCs running the LTSB OS”.
Just my 2 cents, I have done clean installs in a PC and a Laptop and haven’t had any freezing problems. Loaded drivers as I always do.
I’m just not going to get into a pattern of reinstalling Win10 every time Microsoft has a big update. This is supposed to every 4 months.